May have been mentioned before, but doesn't look like the 'new' canning machine (the Fluid/Solid Canning Machine) is wanting to process Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel into Uranium Fuel Rods; only the 'old' canning machine (simply called 'Canning Machine') will do that, and it looks like this is consistent across all the nuclear fuel. Is this intentional; to have essentially a nuclear and non-nuclear canners?
Fluid/Solid Canning Machine not 'canning' Uranium into fuel rods
I just checked in creative mode with build 654, and using the fluid/solid canning machine to make uranium fuel rods works for me. Maybe you have it in the wrong mode?
Yea, I've never used the "old" canning machine and have not had any trouble with nuclear fuel these last 3 months or so. Set it to canning mode and throw in the fuel rod and the fuel.
Upon further investigation, all appears fine; tested it in both Creative and SSP worlds and could use the new canner for canning uranium. *shrug*
NEI's still telling me the old canner's the only option though; maybe a bug with NEI?
There is no NEI plugin for the new canning machine. I *think* the wiki has got them all though.
There were apparently some difficulties adding NEI recipes involving the fluid/solid canning machine:
Fix/Add NEI Canning Machine Support