Can we get it so you can put flowers in the extractor to get more dye out of them like we used to (don't remember whether it was Greg who added the recipe or not)?

Simple Dye Suggestion
But it will break the EMC values
, I'm ok with that suggestion if we can disable it on config, so if we use a EE-like mod, we won't have emc loops
Nonsense, Thermal Expansion adds the pulverising of one flower into 4 dye. When the recipe was there, it gave 3 dyes, bearing in mind normal crafting gave 2. EMC loops are much worse in other mods.
I always hated the fact that you couldn't disable most of the pulveriser/macerator recipes
but yeah, if I could, the only recipes I would let would have been the ore procession, the dust conversion and some basic recipes such as stone to cobble