Does anyone know if non-experimental IC2 is going to get an update? Or are they only working on the IC2 Experimental for future development? I couldn't find the answer to this anywhere.

IC2 or experimental only in the future
- Snoochy
- Closed
At the moment Ic2EXP is the new ic2, the classic version won't officialy be updated, however there is a immibis version of ic2 which is "ic2 classic" and that will keep updated, you can use that if you wan't, but the official Ic2 is EXP.
There is a little small and very small chance of get the old Ic2 like official since Alblaka and RichardG are """"back""""(yeah 4 "), but who knows -
That sucks. I hate hon many tiny pointless little things they added. Like how it takes 20 combinations just to make a motor, and then 10 more to make the tool. The circuits were annoying enough.
Again, try ic2 classic by immibis, is the port of 1.4.7 ic2, or wait to see if alblaka and richardg makes ic3 (%99 won't happen).
Well I suppose I'll be happy with what ever as long as one of them gets updated to MC 1.8.1 soon.
I'll just have to get used to the tiny parts and use Buildcraft to automate the production of them when needed.