No way, since the first beta of Ic2 classic from Immibis and the last version from Speiger, i always did elect Ic2Classic, and trust me, i'll always choose it.In my personal opinion when ic2E devs started to implement their ideas, wanted to make a full new Industrialcraft, but they did 2 things wrong:
1)Instead of focus on a certain point and hardly work on it ( make something that is stable, and works fine) , what they did is just implement little stuff, filling Ic2 of random features, and when they started to work on that big point that needed attention and stabilization, they saw themselves frightened for the difficulty that the job was going to take, so they leave it. After sometime, they decide to get back on track on that big point, finding themselves in the same situation.
2)The little and random implementations were added just to make a Difference from the original Industrialcraft2 to their version, features that don't were requested by the community, or were what the mod neededIt's ok, some people do like IndustrialcraftExperimental, and after all this discution, well, we should pay attention to the word 'experimental', but in my opinion, Ic2Experimental never had to exist.LONG LIFE TO 16x16 TEXTURES!
Posts by CubeWrench
I get a nostalgic hit when i equip the nanoarmor and it starts to walk by itself hahaha
I'm not, 1.7.10?WOOOOH, nice, thanks, maybe this means my back in the ic2 forum.
In those packs IC2 ores are probably disabled via config files, because there is other mods generating copper/tin/lead/whatever, this is made so you don't have 3 tipes of copper and all that, but if you find copper ore (FOR EXAMPLE) from other mod you can use it in the IC2 recipes, same for all the ingots and other things thanks to the "Ore Dictionary".
I have to say THANKS IMMIBIS!, really, you rock, so much thanks, i still remember the first versions of the mod when just was me sasha master choco and a few other people using the mod, now is very stable/cool.
Thanks and keep doing this job. -
Thanks!But probably all the people here know that already, since %85 of the forum members are GT fans, but anyway, thanks :D.
Why not a botania potatoe?
So much thanks!!!
Idea: Take a little bit more of core about 1.7 update before take that break. -
I'm in the EU team sir, i never ask "Hey, i wan't RF in ic2, you will do it?", i just ask because he said it one time ;), i was happy with the idea in that time trough - just because you can power a quarry with copper cables, asdasdasd -.
Also, i'd like to burn in a nuclear reactor, just to feel what steve feels :'(.
Talking about the old times (we never talk about the old times but i wan't to talk about old times because i'm nostalgic, happy?)...
...what happened with the old dw20?, like, his videos are boring, i don't see them anymore, he has been playing 2 different modded mc seasons and he didn't even said Ic2, i don't like enderio and a 85% of his videos features it now :P, today he finally decided to play BC and he call redstone engines "Redstone energy.....thingy".
C'mon direwolf20, don't be another RF youtuber. -
So immibis what are your plans, since there is a new ic2 classic for 1.6.4 with addon-compatibility, you will merge your mod to the new ic2, or just keep as always?
I can't even say something about the other version of ic2 classic because it's for 1.6.4 and i don't touch 1.6.4 since a lot, and i won't do it.
Also, you will move to RF or that was just an idea? -
Yeah!Chance, thanks Choco
Cube, you're back :D, I thought you we're doing an Albaka ( Yes, Al-BAKA
:P. and not an Alblaka ).
Haha!Not to far from that :P, but no, if nostalgia doesn't complete eat me i'll stay, if it does i'll leave the forum sometime waiting for a solid version of Industrialcraft 2/3, anyways Speiger seems to have some plans :P, i'm also really trying to get into modding, which is a really hard thing, don't know where start, like, well, so much questions xD. But anyway Speiger:
You are the last sperance(Sperance hopefully is a word, my english rules) for the Ic2 world, you can revive the past from this awesome mod or drop everything out like Eloraam did with RP2, just saying, don't feel pressed :P. -
Hi Greg, welcome to this little part of the forum, the nostalgicteam say hi to you sir.
I really love it, so much thanks, now i just have to wait for a 1.7 update since 1.6 is a little bit dead for me
I have to agree, but, as always, i think that ic2 needs to revive the alblaka idea : 16 textures for ever, they combine a lot more with vanilla, since i try bluepower or ic2 exp i really wonder why all them (devs and some players also) likes 32x32 textures, they have nothing to do with vanilla, if player and TD, or any ic2 dev starts to add new stuff like BC does, they have to start for how the items/blocks looks like.I really HATE people taking a texture request like something minor, since everytime you place a block or use an item you see a $$$$$$ texture.
very cool, when we'll haave a release?
If you wanna jump in something big, gt 1.4.7 please
ME, please, i have always been a ic2 classic fan, when it was bugged i still play it, i think that this mod will be more big someday but all we need to help, trust me, i am a big fan of old MC times, the 1.7.3 chests, the bright color of the items, the world gen, the sounds, steve, the modders were happy with BC,RP,IC2 and EE2, that were the mods, like no need of 1300 mods to get fun like now, so yeah, i respect and love these times so if you make a server for testing the new ic2 or something i'll play it all the day basickly.
I have to agree, nothing to add.