I noticed recently in the latest build (#658 ) that miners are now not able to burrow through liquids (they used to on the older build I was using; I can't remember which one it was though. ); This seems normal, but when I test using a pump to pump out the water, it still gets nowhere. have I done something wrong or not done something I should have? Should miners still be able to burrow through fluids? Or is there another device we need to bypass that kind of stuff?

Modified miner behaviour: Need pump for fluids again?
- Sheenus
- Closed
Miners were never designed to go straight through fluids, they always used to need to have a pump next to them. Not sure how that works with the pump mechanics being reworked.
Yeah, I remember having to install pumps next to miners to get through fluids when I played ages ago, and thought it odd when it just went straight through with these latest builds.
Appeared to just go straight through w/o much of a problem with some earlier (but still rather recent) builds, but current build appears to be kinda finiky; sometimes goes through lava, doesn't go through water; but both can be fixed by placing blocks under the miner (through the fluid) for the miner to mine (assuming you can place said blocks in the fluid). Playing with an attached pump doesn't appear to do anything; may have been disabled for whatever reason.
I seem to remember needing two pumps side by side in order to pump quickly enough for the miner to pay mining pipe, otherwise one pump wouldn't clear fluid quick enough and the miner would just get stuck a the first layer of fluid (assuming it hit a pool greater than one layer deep). Was that still an issue?
I always used 2 pumps just because of a historic issue that it would not detect 1 pump next to it, so needed 2, even though it only used 1.