Not sure if anyone is still paying attention to this thread, but this mod was included in Infitech 2, and since I'm trying to make myself a nice armorset, I was going to use some modular armor. Thing is, I have no idea how this mod works. Is there any wiki or handy guide? I haven't been able to find anything. If someone sees this, could you either explain it or direct me to the documentation? Thanks!

[GT-6-Addon] GTExtras 0.3.3 - More stuff for Gregtech
There is no GTExtras in Infitech 2, to be exact, some GTExtras features where merged into GT5U, including the modular armor.
That was enabled in a recent GT5 update so i get testers for bugs, but the number of bugs seems to huge that it is not reasonable usable currently. I actually coding right now to fix some of the bugs.
Oh, alright. Thanks for the timely response! Guess I'll have to stick to my cheap chain armor for the time being. Thanks again, and good luck