(Questions) IC2 Classic Supports from IC2 Exp

  • What features do you want to have or not. 4

    1. Add: -Heat Recievers/Sources, (2) 50%
    2. Not Add: -Heat Recievers/Sources, (0) 0%
    3. Add: -Kinetic Receivers/Sources, (2) 50%
    4. Not Add: -Kinetic Receivers/Sources, (0) 0%
    5. Add: -More Realistic Windmills, (2) 50%
    6. Not Add: -More Realistic Windmills, (0) 0%
    7. Add: -Steam Reactors, (4) 100%
    8. Not Add: -Steam Reactors, (0) 0%
    9. Add: -Texture Copy blocks, (1) 25%
    10. Not Add: -Texture Copy blocks, (0) 0%
    11. Add: -Charging Bench, (2) 50%
    12. Not Add: -Charging Bench, (0) 0%
    13. Add: -Battery Stations, (2) 50%
    14. Not Add: -Battery Stations, (0) 0%
    15. Add: -Steam Reactor, (3) 75%
    16. Not Add: -Steam Reactor, (0) 0%
    17. Add: -Electric Shild, (2) 50%
    18. Not Add: -Electric Shild (0) 0%

    Hellow Guys.
    As far as you know i did work on IC2 Classic that is compatible to IC2 Exp mod (First version) on 1.6.4
    I plan soon (in a couple months) to update the stuff i did. Which version is not set yet. I am still thinking of it, and also look whats already update and what not.
    And now when i look into the new IC2 Exp (IC3 is it already called), i ask myself hmmm what should i support and what not. I mean most of the addons using the new API already but i do not know what not.
    And here you guys come into the play, i need research a lot of information, and because most youtube using RF mods i can not get all the informations i need from whatching youtube videos or something... or streamers because the do not do anything and searching information through the forums is kind of to hard because there is also some things i can not use.

    So guys here are my questions:

    Could you explain me the stuff that you suggests (how it works and what it does so i get a feeling about what it adds to the game)?

    What features do you wanted supportet? And WHY? Type in your Answers into the bottom. (you do not have to write a roman or something just some little explaining).

    And what features do you not wnat in IC2 Classic? Also why?

    And what features do you want to have which IC2 Classic which even do not exsist in IC2 Classic & IC2 Exp?

    Now i make a little list of new Features IC2 Exp has (i go from the API Files):

    -Heat Recievers/Sources
    -Kinetic Receivers/Sources
    -More Realistic Windmills (I would implement my Compact windmills version into it... look if you want to know what it is at my github thing)
    -Steam Reactors (Produce Steam instead of Energy. Is a totally differend Reactor and can be build seperate with a normal reactor).
    -Texture Copy blocks (that one that already exsist in IC2 EXP)

    Now i have also some features that i want to implement and i want to know what you guys think about that:

    -Charging Bench (LV,MV,HV)
    -Battery Stations (LV,MV,HV) (Opposite of a Chargingbench)
    -Steam Reactor
    -Steam machines, Steam macerrator, Steam compressor, Steam vent (Hurts Entities / Pushes entities away. Not sure yet), Steam Generator (basic one less than Railcrafts turbine).
    -Own Fluid Pipe System (only if the Steam stuff joins).
    -Electric Shild(EMP for jetpacks for Anykind, dissable Jetpacks instantly and you can build save houses. Also i make it GameMode Fly (like the extrautils rings save)).

    Tell me what you guys thing. I also make for people who do not want to comment a poll thing there.

    And i thankyou for reading that here.


    • Official Post

    Is this still all for 1.6.4?

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.