The veins can be big enough to have one below a vein you find and if you are in the border of one vein.
Try locating the core chunk of a vein you find and move 3 chunks to any side and dig.

The "Greg Way" and "Greg Way Mods" questions
Thank you.
Does GregTech remove recipes from Forestry? Half of the items from this mod, including Farm Blocks, Engines, unusual Chests, etc. do not show in NEI. Other recipes are tinkered to use Greg's machines instead of Forestry's.
Is there a way to make Forestry's auto-resin-farm (that helped me a lot when I played vanilla IC2)? -
They dont show up in NEI because Forestry is incompatible with NEI, thats all.
Okay, sorry for implication =-)
Installed…ds/225251-nei-integration , and it worked. Thanks! -
What is the best way to find antimony - mountain-prospecting or nether?
Nether is easier but also more dangerous. If you have thaumcraft you may find yourself constantly dealing with firebats. Otherwise just the random pockets of fast lava when digging.
Keep looking at heights close to the ceiling and you'll eventually find a vein of tetrahedrite (which contains stibnite - antimony). -
Is there a way to prohibit High Pressure Coal Boiler from outputting steam to specific side?
I feed water to them by BC pipes, and I see that they often extact steam not into GT output pipe, but into BC water pipe... -
Covers can do that.
Or you can feed water using the bottom side of the boilers. That side does not output steam.