I play on peaceful, so I've been trying to use GT crops to get the materials for the magma cream required for Railcraft blast furnace bricks. I got some blazereed, but I've been having trouble getting the slimeplant, so I was hoping to get some suggestions for what to cross - coppon and tine are the only ones that have any attributes in common with slimeplant according to http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Crops_%28GregTech%29, but I haven't had much luck crossing them so far.
I haven't made a cropnalyzer or GT scanner to determine the stats of my seeds, but I've tentatively identified them based on the crop textures and drops, and put them in chests with signs to label them.
I'm using GregTech 5.07.07 and IC2exp build 691. (plus a few other mods, but I don't expect them to affect the crops)
I've got one 9x9 field (with water in the center and a lilypad) of reed (some of it crossbred), one of stickreed, and one of wheat (some of it crossbred), plus the following seedbags:
7 stickreed
47 coppon
1 indigo
3 spidernip
2 flax
10 argentia
30 blazereed
6 tine
1 creeperweed
8 milkwart
8 plumbilia
1 hops
3 meatrose
1 terra wart
1 venomilia
3 eggplant