Hello, I would love to try out this pack! Is there also a server version for it also?

[NewHorizons] Ultra Hard Gregified modpack via Minetweaker and Modtweaker. GT, Thaumcraft, Buildcraft, Witchery, Galacticraft, BloodMagic, Forestry, Better Questing 2,8K Quests
Hello, I would love to try out this pack! Is there also a server version for it also?Hi EndGame
I seny you a pm.
Mod Upgrade:
Backpack Mod 2.2.2 (fix Whitelist thing)
Better Questing 1.0.95 (invisible Gui Button removed)
Binnie Patcher 1.8
GT New Horizons Core Mod 1.1.38
Mine and Blade Battlegear 2 (fix Bug)
Optifine HD4
Standard Expansion 1.0.74Changed/added Recipes:
Minecraft (remove Saddle recipe)
Config added/changes:
Open Security (adding howler alarms)
Code changes:
GT New Horizons Core Mod (adding wet Tofu item(no recipe yet)
Adding new Quests to Tier 0
can i please try your modpack?
thanks -
Mod remove:
Ingame InfoXLMMod Upgrade:
Better HUD 1.3.4
Better Questing 1.0.101
Block Limiter 0.51
GTNH Core Mod 1.1.43
Ic2 Nuclear control 2.4.0a
Industrial Craft 2 2.2.822
TC Inventoryscan 1.0.11
YamCore 0.5.65Changed/added Recipes:
Avaritia (now fully integrated and useable)
Galacticraft (Schematics exchange Tierwise, change the recipe from fluid oxygen and nitrogen,
GT NewHorizons Core Mod (Adding Wet Tofu )
Minecraft (change TC Aspects from Blazepowder, Rods and Paper, change Nether Star dupe recipe)
Railcraft (Adding recipes for the RF Cart and Loader, Unloader)
Thaumcraft (add Amber Autoclave recipe and Disable Block and item crafting in the workbench)
Tinkers Contruct (adding Lead ingots and Nuggets to the smeltery)
Code changes:Block Limiter (adding Item Limiter to the Mod so you can block items from usage in Dimension or on the whole Server, Client)
GT NewHorizons Core Mod (Adding Wet Tofu item, adding compressed Oxygen and compressed Nitrogen Fluid Gas, Addig new Netherstar dupe recipe, Change Thaumcraft aspect Names, adding World Accelerator recipes )
Gregtech (Change Thaumcraft aspect Names, Channge burnvalues for Nitro Diesel, Diesel, Ethanol to match with the setting we had(so no changes) Change Burnvalue charcoal a bit 4x, change some Gui for Distillation Tower, Large Turbine and Large Heat Exchanger, adding missing recipes for Ingots (Ender IO Metals) to the EBF with oxygen and without oxygen, adding Turbine Casings from gt 5.0.9, adding some casings to the Assembler, added new Guis for Bronze Steel machines, Adding assembly machine WIP, ) -
Hey, I would be interested in playing on your server if you would have me. I used to play on K3 under arch, and I havent really done multiplayer since then. Looks like you put a lot of work into this =)
Hey, I would be interested in playing on your server if you would have me. I used to play on K3 under arch, and I havent really done multiplayer since then. Looks like you put a lot of work into this =)Hi blagballs
I send you a pm.
Mod Upgrade:
Adventure Backpack 0.8e23
Better Questing 1.0.118
Carpenters Blocks 3.3.8
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2e
Ender Core
Ender IO
Extra Cells 2.3.10b192
Jabba 1.2.2
RF Expansion 1.0.8
Standard Expansion 1.0.81Changed/added Recipes
Blood Magic (Change Binding Ritual recipes)
Draconic Evolution (start with the Recipes Core and Wyvern Tools and Armor)
Gregtech (remove Nugget Crafting from Draconium and Awakened Material)Code changes:
Better Questing Mod (player save data will be available in extra file to make reset impossible)
Gregtech (Multi smelter can now have 256 smelting processes instead of 100, fix old Code from Tec)Quests:
Fixing a lot of Quests. Not all done yet.
Version (Pre Release of the public Release)
Mod Upgrade:
Adventure Backpack 0.8e24
Applecore 1.3.2
Better Questing 1.0.121(No reset any more and hidden Quests works)
Flood Light
Forbidden Magic 0.575
RF Expansion 1.0.11
Spice of Life 1.3.2
Thaumic Exploration 1.1.55
Changed/added Recipes:Draconic Evolution (adding all recipe to Avaritia 9x9 Table)
Code changes:
Gregtech (Oxygen recipe using now Circuit int the EBF to work now)
Quests:Fixing a lot of Quests. Hope te most work is done here
Hi I'd like to join the server.
Hey, i've played around with your pack a little bit in SP and it's quite fun, can i get an invite for the EU server ?
Hey, i've played around with your pack a little bit in SP and it's quite fun, can i get an invite for the EU server ?Hi Kafouille
I send you a pm.
Hello, i'm interested playing this modpack but i want to play on server. Can i get an EU server invite?
Hello, i'm interested playing this modpack but i want to play on server. Can i get an EU server invite?Hi HazardEST
sure you can join but i need you user name for it. I see you registered in the Forum but your account need to be activated by replaying the email.
I send you the invitation via PM.
Hello, I would like to join your EU server.
Version 30.06.2016 (public Release)
New Mods:
Aqua Creeper 1.0.1
Blood Quests 1.0.0
Craft Tweaker 3.0.9
Custom Main Menu 1.9.2
Gregtech (Major changes need to be tested very carefully)
Resource Loader 1.3Mod Remove:
Gemblocks for Greg 1.5.0(inside 5.09 code)
Gergtech 5.08.33.xx
Minetweaker 3.10.B
TC Node Tracker 1.1.2Mod Upgrade:
Adventure Backpacks 0.8ebeta25
Better Questing 1.0.124
Blood Magic Altar)
Biome O Plenty
Buildcraft 7.1.17
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2g1custom(Custom Multiblock structures cfg)
Ender Core
Ender IO
Extra Cells 2.3.14b194
Gadomancy 1.7.1
Gt New Horizons Core Mod 1.1.56
Open Modular Turrets
Storage Drawers 1.9.9
Utility Worls 1.0.8(Garden Dimension)
Thaumic Tinkerer 2.5.526
Changed/added Recipes:Blood Magic (a full rework of the Mod)
Buildcraft (added Cobblestone structure Pipe only for Cosmetically things)
Pams Harvestcraft (Fix cotton/Seeds recipe, adding blue and blackberry juice)
Tinkers Construct (Remove Nugget ,Block and Ingot Casting from Ardite, Manyullyn and Cobalt)
Witchery (adding recipe for Null Catalyst)Code and Config changes:
Blood Magic(Now we get 3 Different Blasters and 3 Different Bazookas, i increase the values a lot so Bazooka 3 have a Damage from 1000 and 1500 Second Damage but the recipe is ultra hard, changing LP needed for Sigils, Added own Blocks to the Altar so you need now Tier 3 Titanium Blocks and Glowstone on Top, Tier 4 Tungstenstell Blocks on Top Bloodstone and Tier 6 Iridium Blocks and Crystal Blocks on top. Monsters have now custom values of sacrifice lp.)
Core Mod (added Reinforced Glass recipe to the Core mod code,)
Draconic Evolution (adding a lot of config options, Tools can get much more upgrades, Multiblock Energy storage are changed Base version using 320 Mio RF and the next x7 next x7 ....., Need now as Core Avaritia Neutronium Blocks and as Hull Charged Draconium Blocks, Fixe some recipes)
Gendustry (change Bees script to support new GT Metal and Gem Blocks)
Gregtech (Change Version to 5.09 and add all the stuff we add to 5.08. Disabled GT Bees because we add via Gendustry (will change this later when i edit the Bees in java code)Steam Turbines configs changes need to be tested, Now you can feed gt machnies with rf to 100 EU = 360 RF, 100 RF = 20 EU (10% loss, 20% loss) unificated Endium Ore from HEE, Added Manyullyn to Material Enum, Adding remove Nuggets out of Ingots shaped recipe via code)
Waila(disabled Blood Altar and Alchemic Brewer support)Quests:
Fixing Legendary Quests, fixe some bugs.
Added a own Custom Main menu and change Quest book Pictures.
Hey. I'd like to join the server.