Version 21.07.2017
Mod Upgrade:
GTNewHorizonsCoreMod 1.7.10-1.4.20
Code changes:
Core Mod(add a air to oxy recipe, change recipes Autoclave low grav recipes, Added Circuits to Mixer recipes. Set 1 = GT Set2 = Core Mod, Add 2 slots to the Mixer to make it 6 slots #1568, SteveCarts with Reinforced tools cant be repaired #1672, oredict steves carts galgadorian Infinity dust change recipe to be under int max,)
Gregtech(change implosion Compressor using wrong cables, Add a low grav and a clenroom recipe option to gt. Add a option to add both, Add option if clean room is disabled set clean room requirements to false., make recipe a bit harder (Lv-hv Miner), Add HV Miner, HV mixer recipe 'conflict' - Nichrome dust and Ultimet dust #1533 Add 2 slots to the Mixer to make it 6 slots #1568, try to ignore unification for steve carts metals SteveCarts with Reinforced tools cant be repaired #1672
Changed/added Recipes:
update recipes. remove clay recipe. change Arcane stone recipe, Quest: NASA workbench #1679, Molecurlar Transformer now a real Ev device, Iron, Steel, Copper using Railcraft plates #1102 now only gt plates are used,
Config changes:
Some config updates
Quest Changes
Clenroom and Scanner Quest, LV Miner Quest, Basic Washer Quest, Gt++ Tank Quest, A fe coin quests... more will follow later. "2x steel" quest is auto completed #1677, Quest Integrated Circuit #794 #1678, more solar quests, Bloo Altar Tier 1-6 Quests, Fuel quests adjust amounts #1444, "Using steam to cook things" as optional quest. #1673
[NewHorizons] Ultra Hard Gregified modpack via Minetweaker and Modtweaker. GT, Thaumcraft, Buildcraft, Witchery, Galacticraft, BloodMagic, Forestry, Better Questing 2,8K Quests
Dream,No version of the download links on CurseForge?
Sorry Curse srewed up here . I will upload soon and hope curse not reject it again.
FTB and Technic launcher works fine.
Version 25.07.2017
New Mods
GT Scanner Mod 1.1
Mod Upgrade:
Avaritia 1.14
GTNewHorizonsCoreMod 1.4.22
Iron Tanks
Open Security 103
Wanion Lib 1.8
Code changes:
Core Mod(add a air to oxy recipe, Steel tanks appear as silver tanks #1704, remove Galena and Magnetide EBF due this update…cc297b1091483755db471149, remove Infinity Centrifuge recipe because to op, Genetics recipes #1713, Tinkers Cosmic Neutronium change to using the extruder #1718)
Gregtech(change implosion Compressor using wrong cables, fix pyrolyze - dynamic recipe adding for logWood oredict, change texture ID, Fix imbalanced recipe, Removed Burn Value for Carbon Dust., Cherry Pick 29efe8ea5d3dffbf202960b3dd66487bbd6717fe Fixed Salt processing recipes SaltWater now yields the same amount of material as Salt Dust. Increased the energy cost of electrolyzing Salt to make netto energy yield via NaOH+Hydrogen negative., Added more material parts to Infinity and Infinity Catalyst. Add Cosmic Neutronium from Avaritia to the material list, added sub tags to Infinity, Infinity catalyst and cosmic neutronium, Pyrometallurgy-update more Infos here :, cherry pick 60fcf643c961796da32607dd75283b2f9fbb93cd Fixed a bug where a recipe had the wrong amount of Cells, Pyrolyse oven coil scaling #1171 more Infos here :, change recipe making Endereys to Mv. End tiered to MV, change pipe ids because already occupied by GTNH Pipes, try to add new Method to the Brewing machine using custom fluid amounts., Ok make Silver 100% output when washing with HG)
Changed/added Recipes:
Avaritia(Avaritia script + updated gregtech config, config for gregtech neccessary since i disabled block cutting in recipes.cfg)
Core Mod(Recipe conflict #1701, Incorrect Irradiant Reinforced Tungsten Steel Plate Recipe #1729)
Extra Utilities(Dark Portal Fix)
Forestry(Alveary Naming Issue #1724)
IC2( Electric Treetap and Hoe #1685, )
Gregtech(better balance Diode recipe @PapaTim68)
Harvestcraft(Heavy Cream. Two unbalanced paths create. #1696, Harvestcraft//Natura cross mod compatibility)
Iron Tnaks(Steel tanks appear as silver tanks #1704 Add Tank Upgrades to recipes and Assembler, put this recipe to core mod code because of recipe verwritten issue, ) Natura(Charcoal from naturas mod wood in furnance. #1705, Natura minetweaker tweaks Add Natura berries to oredict for listAllfruit and listAllberries so they can be used in harvestcraft recipes , and Deletes Removal of harvestcraft juice recipes for Natura berries.)
Railcraft(Infernal Block and Sandy Block recipe (Railcraft) #1700, Equalize infernal brick and sandy brick recipes What I was trying to, but failed to explain in
VanillaMC(Wired Obsidian ingot #1697)
Config changes:
update server dat, Avaritia script + updated gregtech config, config for gregtech neccessary since i disabled block cutting in recipes.cfg, Imbued fires #1727
Quest Changes
#1692: Correcting spelling issues with the Coins, Coins, Coins page description, Quest: Rocket Engine #1684, Quest You Shall Proceed #40 #1688, []Quest: Wire Cutter v.0.2 alpha #1689 remove all Railcraft plates and make them ordict, Cactus cannot be used to substitute for water in recipes #1695, [] Glider wings #1703, Fixed a text on quest 563Suggestion for quest 52. #1708, OreDictification of Quests #1716, Quest It's time to get more steam #784 #1722 -
Found a bug.I can't craft Bronze Blast Furnace,but in QuestBook there aren't any change.
or you add a recipe of Bronze Blast Furnace?
try to update your questfile. Using
/bq_admin default load
In the new version you need to craft the bricked blast furnace. Bro as blast furnace is deprecated in GTNH
How to make the night more bright?I think it is too dangerous......Or how to make a "0 light envirement" there is still a little light like the Original Version?
this is the art of the pack. Pitch black nights.
Version ---- 05.08.2017
Mod Upgrade:
Adventurebackpack 0.9gbeta18
Binnie Mods 2.0.21
GTNewHorizonsCoreMod 1.5.0
GT-PlusPlus 1.5.6d
Journeymap 5.1.4p2
Code changes:
Core Mod(obsidian from xp and TiCo pickaxe tiers #1733, maintenance hatch can't be crafted with RC crowbar #1732, change Hermetic Casing recipe 1 and 2 a bit, using hammer in rc tank recipe instead of crowbar, Added a new Circuit board tier: Plastic Circuit Board, Reduced cost of Small Coil to 50%, added Ferrite for 25% cost, Add FerriteMixture to shapeless crafting recipe, Overhauled Fiberglass Circuit Board, remove shapeless recipes of EpoxideFiberReinforced add this missing recipe how to make BorosilicateGlass, Overhauled the Wetware Circuit recipes, Added a new Basic Circuit: Microprocessor, Overhauled Chemical recipes, make circuits a bit cheaper. Using bolts not sticks. using lower amount of fine wire., Add NH casing to hatch texture array at middle of page 8, Try to change HP recipes to use Wrough Iron instead of Steel, Added manually extruder recipe to Wrough Iron Pipes, Make compatible with new texturing system., Coils using rings instead of bolts Mulch recipe #1782
Gregtech(try to add new Method to the Brewing machine using custom fluid amounts., Added a new Circuit board tier: Plastic Circuit Board, Reduced cost of Small Coil to 50%, added Ferrite for 25% cost, Now all Ender Eye recipes in mvAdded a config for the converion rate of Direct Smelting: 1 <-> 2/3, Increased output chance for Silver from washing with Mercury to 99%, Fixed a bug where every Fluid was put out at the top of the EBF, Added a new Circuit board tier: Plastic Circuit Board, Made it so that empty slots are treated as Integ. Circ. with config 0, Empty slots are only used as IntCirc(0) if no other IntCirc is in input, Moved Synthetic Rubber requirement: EV -> IV, made it more convenient, Adapted the Large Chemical Reactor recipes for the Int. Circuits, Made Niobium more accessible, Changed Vacuum Freezer Circuits: Elite -> Data/Extreme, change gallium arsenide amount in EBF recipe, Try to change HP recipes to use Wrough Iron instead of Steel, rename Bronze machines to LP rename Steel machines to HP, Reenabled regular Rubber for the EV Conveyor Belt, Multiblock Chemical Reactor now also automatically adds an Int. Circ., Made it so that Multiblocks will look for empty Output Hatches, Added an option to findRecipe() to only return recipes with enough input, Make custom casings compatible with new texturing system., Fixed a bug with ghost Items left behind in the Large Chemical Reactor, Enabled Coal/Charcoal/Coal Coke Blocks for the Primitive Blast Furnace)
Changed/added Recipes:
Adventure Backpacks(Make a few Op Backpacks more expensive)
Core Mod(Nitric acid have a recipe in gt)
Extra Trees(some recipes fixes with items that not exists anymore)
Extra Utilities(change recipes to remove NBT data from filters)
Forestry(Add a new Mulch recipe)
Gregtech(remove Nitrogen Dioxide because in code, ordict some flour stuff)
HEE(Added a recipe for Ender Dust and Igneous Rock)
IC2(remove Hops, change fluid ejector upgrade)
Jabba(BSpace output now 2 from each recipes)
Minecraft(Sugar fix, add more Wood to Adv Coke Oven)
Natura(Ordicted alot of stuff)
Open Blocks(Make sprinkler cheaper)
Railcraft(remove magnetic steel from furnace)
Steve Carts(Make Chunkloader more expensive)
Tinkers Construct(Alumite needs now steel)
Config changes:
Core Mod(Add Tool tip to tanks not been portable)
GT++(New configs)
Hunger Overhault(Fertilisation from Bonemeal changed)
Open Blocks(Fertilisation of Sprinkler changed)
Quest Changes
Quest We need big toys #783 #1734, A couple small quest book edits. Sifter requires assembler to make item filters, so I changed the quest to require it too. Also changed it so the tier 3 carbon mesh/plate quests wouldn't unlock well before you could complete them in tier 2. [Quest] Tier 1 Schematic #1750, [Quest] Oxygen gear #1749, Tier 2 - Incorrect info in Gallium Arsenide Quest #1744, [Quest suggestion] GT Plunger #1743, Ammonia quest can't be completed in MV #1742, Update Info to use a fluid output at ebf, Space Race Quest #1752, (Quest Suggestion) Add quest about Super Tanks #1758, OreDictification of Quests #1716, Additional Paper quest #1759, [Quest Suggestion] Warn player tanks are not portable with pickaxes, add/move dolly quest to after iron tanks, [Quest] Suggestion: Add Wrought Iron quest #1770) -
Version 17.08.2017
Mod Upgrade:
Avaritia Addons 1.4
GTNewHorizonsCoreMod 1.5.4
GT-PlusPlus 1.5.9
Nodal Mechanics 1.1.19
Storage Drawers 1.10.8b
Storage Drawers Wood Upgrades 1.1.2b
Thaumic Tinker 2.5.553
Yamcore 0.5.77
Code changes:
Core Mod(More Circuit variants using circuit parts and smd circuit parts, fix assembler recipes with cleanroom to 6 input assembler format, Planet Dust new Graphics, Added Transformer, Energy Hatches, Dynamo Hatches and Wet Transformer recipes to missing Tiers UHV, UEV, UIV, Adding new Mold and Shape forms for Small Gears and Turbine Blades, Crafting suggestion #1807 , Crafting suggestion #1807, Wooden brick form stay in crafting grid, Add a tab for all new GT casings and GT meta tile entities, Energy Flow Circuits #1854
Gregtech(Nuclear fuel rods and Reprocessing [1.5.10] #1847, Change the cleanroom option to work with 6 inputs too, Fix string localization, Revert "Getting rubber out of cabel you produced with pvc etc #1804, Use long in nei, Adding the UHPIC wafer for UHV, UEV and UIV Trafos, Show dim id in scanner, update Pump tooltips, maybe correct #1137, Fixed bug - isAllowedToPutIntoSlot don't check size of inventory, Another Distillery recipe fix, [Suggestion] Cardboard books #1789, Blue Alloy Wire change to more easy recipe because they are hv wires, Add new Mold and shape forms for small Gear and Turbine Blades, add new rotor recipes, Crafting suggestion #1807, Output hatch in EBF still dupes fluid #1797, remove silver output, Made the tooltips for Multiblock Hatches more descriptive, Fixed a bug where the Nugget amount did not scale with the config, Fluid can now also be locked via cells, added a chat message, Implemented NBT for the Locked Fluid, Currently not working as intended, Fix string nbt string issue, Nuclear fuel rods and Reprocessing [1.5.10] #1847
Nodal Mechanics(Mod recipes rebalance, Recipe tweaking and thaumonomicon correction, Changed recipe for Unattuned Matrix)Changed/added Recipes:
Blood Magic(Corrected thaumonomicon text on the various Blood Orbs, Some more thaumonimocon blood magic text changes)
Core Mod(Add new Mold forms and shape forms for Turbine Blades and Small Gears Fix some other recipes, New Rotor mold and shape recipes added)
Ender IO(Basic Capacitor (EnderIo) #1830)
Enhanced Inventorier(New Garden Seed bag)
Gravisuit(make relocator cheaper to zpm level)
Gregtech((Suggestion) Make compressed coal blocks extractable #1829)
Open Blocks(Bug: Crafting things with XP Buckets #1832)
Thaumcraft( Void Aspected Silverwood Wand #1851)
Thaumic Exploration(Think Tank infusion not working #1840)
Witchery(Fixed a typo in the Witchery script)
Config changes:Core Mod(Large Heat Exchanger Tool Tip Improvement #1839)
Quest Changes:[Quests] #1828 , [Quest]#626 diamond dolly #640 LPG #1831 , Pyrolyse Oven Quest Miss tiered #1835 , Reverse order of steps in quest 412 'Simple alchemical things' #1837 , Wrong quest description #1735 , Wrong quest description #1735 , Witchery quests #1768 , [Quest] Low tier wires quest redundant #1801 , [Quest] Add crafting tasks for Electromagnetic Polarizer to Basic Crafting: Motors #1803, space race quest scemetivc #1806 , Forestry: Circuits #1818 , OreDictification of Quests #1716 , Infinite Enderpearls #1813 , Ore washer and thermal centrifuge in LV quests #1815 , Oxygen collector quest #1808 , MV Circuit quests still use old recipes #1794 , A lead about lead that leads to lead dust #1796 , Blood Magic Ritual of Binding quest wrong requirements #1798, Advanced Jetpak quest #1846, Void Aspected Silverwood Wand #1851, change capacitor recipe, Advanced Jetpak quest #1846, Garden Sedbag Quest
Version 10.09.2017
New Mods:
Sleeping Bag 0.1.1
Tec Tech 3.5.0
Mod Upgrade:
Asie Lib 0.48
Computronics 1.6.5
GTNewHorizonsCoreMod 1.5.7
GT-PlusPlus 1.6.02
Code changes:
Core Mod(Add fix for alloy smelter, remove unised imports., [Quest & Recipe] Change "Empty Circuit Board" to use Fluid Extractor/Assembler instead of Thermionic Fabricator #1885,add gt++ to dependencies, Diode recipes use more fine wires, Fluid Canner cost reduction #1197, removed un used code, [Quest] Super Tank I #1922, Add Mysterious Lens, Flawless and Exquisite Gem, Add recipes for Mysterious Crystals and Mytryl)
Gregtech(Move the setting out of the temperature to new method Materials disableAutoGeneratedBlastFurnaceRecipes() -> return "this" with disabled auto gen on EBF recipes, Add auto output to output busses, and limit the speed to once every 8 ticks on both fluid and item outputs, Set proper EBF temps, Methanol recipies missing carbon monoxide #1907, Adjusted IC2Biomass -> IC2Biogas, Fermented Biomass EUt Distilling IC2 Biomass into IC2 Biogas now consumes significantly more Biomass. The EUt of processing Fermented Biomass in the Distillation Tower has been reduced to fix netto energy density, Fixed wrong Biogas recipe quantity due to GT recipe otimization, Multi-lines tooltip support #1199, Fluid Canner cost reduction #1197, Fix the Generated Item Pipes #1192, Fix the Tooltip of Pumps #1191, Correct description of regulator #1168Add new zpm and uv battery #1147, 1909: Fix oregen issue with empty chunks. Problem was caused by not u… Recipy for petri dish consume Mold shape #1204, [] Double recipe from wooden slab #1928, [] Advanced Nanochestplate/Jetpack recepies #1938, fixed wildcard value in Gravisuit)
Changed/added Recipes:
IC2([] Balance issues with re-enabled biogas recipes #1911, set all items to meta id 1 because 26 unobtainable)
Galacticraft([]Raw meteoric iron #1936, fix raw meteoric iron furnace recipe)
Gravisuit([] Advanced Nanochestplate/Jetpack recepies #1938)
Gregtech(Thermionic fabricator use wrong items in recipes #1924)
Magic Bees(fix enchanted earth research page info text)
Open Blocks([1.5+] OpenBlock Sleeping bag #1935)
Thaumcraft([] Magic Converters doesn't accept GregTech Void Ingots #1916)
Config changes:
Gregtech(Worldgenfile fix)
Quest Changes:
Fueled jetpack quest #1913, Rainbow Curry Recipe Bug #1912, [] Cadmium LV Quests #1917, Questing Issue (Tier 3, Molten Polyethylene) #1919, Typo in Quest "Pollution what....?" #1920, Nitric Oxide Quest #1923, [1.5+] OpenBlock Sleeping bag #1935, Quest 52 "A clear view" - Chisel crafting #1931, EBF not output fluid #1927, -
guess you said you update your server to 2.0? 😁
Version --- 08.10.2017
New Mods:
Better Archivements 0.1.0
Natures Compass 1.3.1
Mod Upgrade:
GTNewHorizonsCoreMod 1.5.10
GT-PlusPlus 1.6.07
Spice Of Life 1.3.11
Storage Drawers 1.10.9
Tec Tech 3.5.2
Thaumic Exploration 1.1.71-0
Core Mod
GT ++
Storage Drawers
Tec Tech -
Version --- 16.10.2017
Removed Mods:
Utility Mobs 3.1.1
Mod Upgrade:
Better Questing 1.0.173 unofficial
GTNewHorizonsCoreMod 1.5.11
GT-PlusPlus 1.6.09
Open Computers Build 1086
Open Security 1.0.104
Quest Book 1.1.0 unofficial
TecTech 3.5.2a
Changed/added Recipes:
Buildcraft(Ordict Cobllestone Rods)
Forestry(Add a recipe to remove nbt data on Bee Alyzer and Tree Alyzer)
Code changes:
Core Mod(Change Air filter recipe a bit, Change air filter info data a bit, remove smd resistor from cleanroom, Lapotronic crystal recipe is bugged #2093[Suggestion] Vacuum tube needs more Assembler recipies #2092 Can't craft Electric Hoe - missing Hoe head recipe #2090)
Gregtech(add localizer Tec Tech to GT, The right method to find out whether the machine should break the block, Add tier info, Fix EBF tooltip, Rainforest saplings #2079, [2.0.1]New 'deprecated' recipes? #2076, [Quest] Advanced nano chestplate #2075, remove Lap Orb recipe from ic2)
Gt++(Fix wood farm)
Config changes:
Gregtech(Titanium now moved to Mars, Bauxite still on Moon so you can process Titanium out of Rutile like in Vanilla GT, Mars gives then the Titanium boost)
Quest book refers to cobalt in the nether when there is none #2089, More SMD Parts and Fluid Quests in Coins coins, More Quests Sodium Per sulfate and Iron 3 Chloride More Circuit and circuit parts Quests, Why HV harder than EV ? #1977, [Quest Suggestion] Provide pointers to Forestry Worktable at key points #1824, Quest-link #2055, Lack of indium ore #2064, [Quest] Advanced nano chestplate #2075, Thaumcraft confusing questing path #2077, -
Version --- 17.10.2017
Mod Upgrade:
Better Questing 1.0.173b unofficial
Code changes:
Gregtech(Merge pull request #40 from Antifluxfield/GTNH-patch1 Change the range of oil drills, Merge pull request #39 from richardhendricks/debug/dd_broken_debug Debug/dd broken debug)
Config changes:
Gregtech(Worldgen fixt)Version
Mod Upgrade:
Better Questing 1.0.173d unofficial
Questbook 1.1.0a_unofficial
Standart Expansion 1.0.108a_unofficial
Config changes:
Gregtech(Ore Size in DD set to 32(was 64)) -
My quest book can not be submitted to the task, please give a solution