Well I've found UB's lignite at low levels on k4, I guess I'll check out myself
Damn you for the diamond! You should make 256 TF portals :p
64... Those are stacks of 16. ;P
Well I've found UB's lignite at low levels on k4, I guess I'll check out myself
Damn you for the diamond! You should make 256 TF portals :p
64... Those are stacks of 16. ;P
I got absolutely no comment about the fact I didn't do jackshit about scripts and such this week.
Well thanks for that. Just started working on it again with a the remaining RC tracks. Expect A LOT for next week.
EDIT : Also completed all detectors from RC. Now loaders/unloaders...
EDIT II : Loaders / Unloaders done... Now some... Uh.. BC stuff again ?
EDIT III : Finally some Forestry bee stuff done. What next ?
Lots of noises = lags. I still blame HDarkness, although my game is somewhat playable. I've just edited now since I was absorbed by the work and I didn't bother looking at the forum.
I'll try to stay as long as possible, but the more I play and the more I get frustrated. Could it be by my pc being shitty, or by a skeleton getting out of nowhere and one shooting me with a great armour (+ shields). The same armor can help me to swim in lava, get blown up by 3 deaths creepers and still survive. Just those tiny grindy things being counter productive and making me lose my time for nothing are the reasons of such annoyance. When I play an hardcore game, I enjoy getting things going even though the difficulty is real, but games like darksoul or bloorborne seem dumb to me, where you keep repeatedly dying again and again.
Basically, strip mining it is. I will no longer experience the fun of caving, and I'll not raid a dungeon until I get my quantum armor. I don't mind losing my stuff after a few days of playing if I couldn't take over a PVE correctly, but losing it because my game runs incorrectly, or because a random mob spawns in my house or one shots me.
BTW, don't light your place up with carpenter's blocks/torches. They stop emitting light for some reasons on chunk reload, and that's why I once met a death creeper inside my house. What I use now is vanilla torches placed on the same block as a nook/strip. It becomes a microblock torch, burning indefinitely.
I'll hang out on IRC later tonight, but I'll not play for sure, I'll be back in x days.
Arch, keep the hard work, and btw there are 2 recipes for the carpenters' blocks, I think the basic ones should be disabled since you added your's with the long wooden sticks.
Oh, forgot to say it in here, but in case you did not notice, servers udated.
Glad this is half-sorted for you now Nexey. Hope you get a new box soon still. ;P
EDIT : HK3 updated again. Sifter wooo !
Hey all.
I'll make it short and simple.
While Special Mobs is new to many of you, for me, it's not. I've played with it since I started playing 1.6.4 and I'd feel like fighting some new stuff.
So here's the deal : Unless everybody rages, I'd like to add a mod to add even more variety to the mob hunting experience.
I've thought of two.
First choice would be Grimoire Of Gaia 3.
Second would be Lycanite's Mobs.
The pros and the cons of each one, in my opinion are :
- Lycanite's Pros :
Huge diversity.
Really challenging, especially in the nether.
Tame-able monsters.
- Lycanite's Cons :
I know it already.
Balance is gonna be a huge pain in my arse.
Configs keep on resetting for nothing.
Heavy on server AND client.
Lots of stuff we don't need including world-gen.
Grimoire Of Gaia Pros :
I don't know it, so yay, new stuff !
Still really challenging.
Not much stuff we don't need. Mostly mobs in there.
Very little configwork to do. (More balanced from the get go.)
Not so heavy on server/client.
Grimoire Of Gaia Cons :
Might not be for everyone. Look it up.
That's it. Now I'd need your opinions. I will open a poll as well to help collect opinions.
On another note : I'd like to remove IHL.
Not 'cause it's a bad mod, or anything, but I want the pack balanced and balancing something I've never ever used will be quite challenging. Since this is mostly for myself, I'm still asking you all. Mind if I remove IHL, at least for the time being ?
That's all ! Thanks for your time,
EDIT : Remember the test server that was dead ? Well I made a copy of HK3, added both mods (with lots of configwork) and started another server for a limited time. If you see KiraraHC-TEST in the IRC, that's it.
So, I know I've never really been on Kirara, but recently I've been playing around with various magic mods and one of them seems like a surprisingly balanced one that you guys might like; Automagy.
Automagy is a Thaumcraft add-on, which adds various things primarily for logistics. For example, the very first research in the mod is a form of redstone wire, and there are a few redstone things like timers, comparators that can read from a few blocks away, and a form of redstone that can travel through magic mirrors. Additionally, it adds a lot of item management things, such as a way to detect specific items in nearby inventories, and convert that into a redstone signal, a way to turn off golems in an area rather then just on one block, and a way to set up golems so you can make manual requests for them to put items from their attached chests into a specific inventory. They also add a tank, and I think a way to manage fluids, though I haven't done anything with that.
The only thing that comes to mind (that I've discovered so far, which I believe I have discovered most of the mod) that can be seen as particularly OP, is this one (somewhat advanced) construction that allows you to create nether blocks (netherrack, lava, soul sand, and nether quartz) from their component essentia. I'd assume that could probably be removed with Modtweaker.
Thanks for the suggestion. ;P
I did suggest to add a few magic add-ons to K4.
Nobody seemes too interested about it.
Unless this changes... ;P
Some extra information regarding Grimoire of Gaia 3 for you folks, since I originally suggested it.
- There's a decent amount of "monster girls" in this mod. Probably half the mobs are these. So it might get a bit too fanservice-y for some.
- Not all mobs are agressive. A small portion of them are assist (like zombie pigmen), and another portion are passive traders summoned by cards (random loot)
- Compatible with ATG/BoP biomes, as far as I saw on my test instance, since their spawning is biome dependant.
- Mobs have interesting, non-op random loots by default :
+ Reward bags
+ Small/tiny dust equivalents of vanilla material
+ Alternative fuel sources, some are very powerful but very rare. (cf Materials)
+ Unique weaponry, like battle books (inflicting debuffs or/and allowing you to throw special projectiles), ornate fans with a high knockback effect, and rings giving permament buffs like haste, night vision, jump height or movement speed (they are very rare loots, and rings require to be crafted with a beacon to be active).
+ Special foods
- Mobs are classified by level. The higher their level, the harder they are, but rarer they spawn and better loot. Example: The Minotaur; lv 3 mob. 160 HP, 8 hearts of damage, Slowness and mining fatigue on hit.
- Spawn rates are adjustable, but are very fair by default. I encountered the infamous Minotaur only once in 6+ hours of play (I died ofc, having flint tools and stuff), and Vanilla mobs are not removed, but less frequent - I still get attacked by small groups of zombies in my testificate village.
- Also, all mobs have half an heart of armor-bypassing damage. You can't nullify mob damage entirely (except by using electrical armor, I suppose). Configurable.
- Strenght and health points of all the mobs in the same level category can be tweaked as well, with percentages. Default values are fair.
GoG is back? Awesome. The devs went on a massive hiatus, and I've wanted to play with it for a while. My vote is for both, but if Lyc. Mobs hurt people's PCs I will change to just GoG.
Lycanite's doesn't really like to be removed.
If I'm to add it, I will start with spawn rates stupidly low so you basically never seen one and slowly up them until they're both visible but not all over the place. Default configs are kinda (Still, not too hard.)... Extreme, but with my configs, it should be fine.
Lycanite's doesn't really like to be removed.
If I'm to add it, I will start with spawn rates stupidly low so you basically never seen one and slowly up them until they're both visible but not all over the place. Default configs are kinda (Still, not too hard.)... Extreme, but with my configs, it should be fine.
Ok. I'll be on next week anyway, and see how it turns out.
Sweet you're coming next week. Haven't seen you in a while. ;]
Test server is re-closed. Nobody went on it and I've seen what I wanted to see.
Since not muuuch people seem to care about me adding one mod, the other, none, or both...
Seeing as things are now, I would probably add GoG and leave Lycanite's out, for my own sanity. (Especially since some configwork made the server crash repeatedly on server reboot... I'm asking Lycanite himself, will see.)
Double post ! But I wanted people to notice this.
I added temperature and decreased air quality to all light sources except glowstone based ones on HK3. Respirator will become useful again.
Just so you know.
Just in case people don't notice... Servers all have been updated. All changelogs, website and everything is up to date.
So, yay.
Please. Stop. Giving. Waila's. Config. Each. Update.
We have our own config on our sides, for myself I put the tooltip in the bottom right corner with a low alpha so it only renders the text and it's frustrating to log on to discover our settings were wiped out!
Haha, don't take it like that. ;]
Forgot is all. I'll be more careful next time.
I take EXTRA SPECIAL CARE to avoid putting in NEI configs, can do for Waila too. ;P
NPC content updated :
- Traders will ask for iron coins more frequently.
- Changed Vanilla/SM repeatable quests to compensate the spawn reduction of their mobs.
- I started 2 questlines that will be progressively updated, which will unlock repeatable quests for GoG mobs and a GoG trader. These questlines are tied to each other.
Finishing "Finding Eir" is a pre-requisite to unlock them.
Don't forget an admin can reset your quests if you want to, since there are no feature to do so automatically.
Does K1 was updated? Can't connect to it with listed in announcements thread mods.
It was updated july 1st. [You have to fix that double spoiler and "june 1st" Arch]
It was updated july 1st. [You have to fix that double spoiler and "june 1st" Arch]