Cause' the Nano Saber isn't good enough for me

Quantum Saber
+1, but this was already so much requested... Addon maybe ? I know it used to be part of an addon at some point...
Also, I would rather have more CQC nano weapons than quantum saber, I would prefered to have a : nano sword ( a simple E-sword with static damage unlike nanosaber and instead of the super charged attack ability, it's special ability will be that if you block with the sword, you will be protected by a sphere-like hexagon field which makes you almost invinicible to damage dealt in front of you and reduces all other damages dealt on you other than front at the cost of constant energy drain, this would allow for tanking, and ofc blocking will still makes you slow ), and a stun stick which deals an AOE attack of 1 heart which slows down stuff
Oh right, Industrial warfare was supposed to give us that... :c
This sounds familiar...
Suggestion: [Quantum saber]
[1.5.2] [SSP/SMP] IndustrialCraft 2 Combo Armors v1.14.3
[Addon for MC 1.7.10 IC EXP] Gravitation Suite v2.0.3 ! [SSP/SMP]
[GregTech-6][1.7.10][Open-Alpha][Patreon][READ THE Q/A FIRST] GregTech Intergalactical, We vaporize your Diamonds for nothing!And that was just from page 1 of 5 from the search.
This sounds familiar...
Suggestion: [Quantum saber]
[1.5.2] [SSP/SMP] IndustrialCraft 2 Combo Armors v1.14.3
[Addon for MC 1.7.10 IC EXP] Gravitation Suite v2.0.3 ! [SSP/SMP]
[GregTech-6][1.7.10][Open-Alpha][Patreon][READ THE Q/A FIRST] GregTech Intergalactical, We vaporize your Diamonds for nothing!And that was just from page 1 of 5 from the search.
It can't be suggested a lot for no reason
Well, why not copy the nano saber, modify its texture to be white-ish, replace all the plates used in the recipe with reinforced iridium ones (also replace crystal with lapotron) then add one little zero on all the values? (+200 atk dmg and 3M energy storage)
Sounds like an easy task. -
+200 attack damage... Even Project E haven't gone that far YET O.o''
But what do you think about my sub-idea ?
Also I would rather keep the already high damage and instead upgrade it for PVP and make it drain 10x more EU from E-armorAs for PVE it's already kinda broken as you just need to make that early game and it will last even in EndGame, like, in 1.4.7, I destroyed every twillight forest bosses, wither and dragon with next to no armour protection and a nanosaber ;P
I like Spwn's idea more. 10x power consumption, storage and damage.
Gee, I thought 40 damage would be enough, but 200 would really keep folks on their toes.
It is a quantum sabre, not two nano sabres taped together.
I am ok with a quantum saber if it's more for PVP that PVE, for me 20 hearts damage is already more than enough ;P