Geothermal Generators Not Producing at Optimal Rate

  • Currently playing on IndustrialCraft version 2.2.793 Minecraft version 1.7.10 Forge Version:

    I've been playing with the industrial craft mod for years and don't know what the issue is. I have 16 geothermal generators that are currently hooked up to an infinite supply of lava thanks to BuildCraft Pipes, and each of these generators are connected to an MFE. The problem is that, even while the mfe is only powering a macerator and an electric furnace it is registering a net loss in power. I checked the cables inputing power into the MFE, and it says there is only 1 eu/t to 5 eu/t being input into the MFE, even though it is running at about 10% of its power capacity. The (graphic?) on the front of the geothermal generator only seems to light up sporadically, even though it should be producing 20 eu/t consistently given the low power in the mfe. The Geothermal generators are hooked up to the mfe with glass fibre cables.

    Anyone know any way to possibly fix this issue? I tried moving around all the cables but it did not affect the power output of the geothermal generators.

    *Edit: When the Geothermal Generator is initially filling up it's internal buffer it produces energy at 20 eu/t, but the energy that outputs from the buffer to the mfe occurs at a very low rate.

    ** Not sure if this belongs in support or in the Bugtracker, will try to reproduce the same conditions in a single-player world.

    I tested this problem out in a single player world with the same results, there is a issue between the energy output from the internal buffer and the energy that the geothermal generator produces *WITH MULTIPLE GENERATORS SIMULANTEOUSLY.

    • Official Post

    Do you have linear e-net mode turned on in the config too?

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.