IC2 2.6.76 Error

  • Whenever I try to start, I end up with this:

    Did I miss something in my installation, or is this just the experimental instability?

    Full log: http://pastebin.com/ahcypAsR

  • You probably have a leftover IC2.ini from an older version of IC2 (e.g. for Minecraft 1.7.10, where IC2:blockScaffold is apparently there by default, and possibly correct for that version of IC2).

    You have two options here:
    1. delete IC2.ini from your config folder and let IC2 make a new one. (this will make sure you get all the defaults)
    2. change "IC2:blockScaffold" to "IC2:scaffold" on that line. (might lose a few entries that are included by default in the latest version, but could be more attractive if you've heavily edited your config)