Java 8u102-Windows-x64, MC1.10.2 License, Forge IC2-exp-2.6.82-ex110
After Nether all cables in screenshot.

Bug. Cables. After Nether.
This is already being tracked.
That was a longtime IC2Classic bug.
It was really hard to track down... But it was a really stupid bug... Seemed that Aroma made the same mistake i did...
(If you want to know just ask) -
That was a longtime IC2Classic bug.
It was really hard to track down... But it was a really stupid bug... Seemed that Aroma made the same mistake i did...
(If you want to know just ask)Okay, I'll bite. What was it?
The same thing happens to me, and I was surprised since I remember it being an ic2 classic bug from when I played tekkit legends.
amitarvind. Sry but i should have told how i meant this really...
Since the Current IC2 Team ignores what i say (even important bugreports) i want them to ask me.
Note: Chocohead&Estebes are excluded from this list.Else it would make no sense to help them...
Hotleve the thing is: They use the Old IC2 (1.4.7) Enet again. But the difference between classics & Exps is. Classics is far more evolved...
(Classics is still not the best enet on the world but its still miles away from Exps. (Same Goes to Uncomplications 1.7.10 Enet which is still weaker then classics but stronger then Exps Enet, in 1.10.2))
amitarvind. Sry but i should have told how i meant this really...
Since the Current IC2 Team ignores what i say (even important bugreports) i want them to ask me.
Note: Chocohead&Estebes are excluded from this list.Else it would make no sense to help them...
Hotleve the thing is: They use the Old IC2 (1.4.7) Enet again. But the difference between classics & Exps is. Classics is far more evolved...
(Classics is still not the best enet on the world but its still miles away from Exps. (Same Goes to Uncomplications 1.7.10 Enet which is still weaker then classics but stronger then Exps Enet, in 1.10.2))
I'd like to point out that the only thing you're doing with this is holding up progress for other players. I understand if you feel ignored but if you have a legitimate answer to the problem, it just seems petty to hold it back out of sentiment (bad or otherwise.)
Well i point it out like this: if these people care about the mod they either fix it or they come to me and ask. (They do not have to be nice. Just need to ask)
To answer your question. I told them what the problem was when i fixed it...
+Aroma owns the code of the fix to... But i doubt he will look into no. I will not tell it now... That may let me seem me let me stay as a bad person...
But i am telling them issues since months. Doing posts etc... And nothing happens... So why should i do them a favor of giving them something when they dont care when i tell them something else what will come at them... -
I feel like you're still missing the point or you do get it and flat-out do not care about the effect this has on players who have zero involvement in your politics with the other developers.
Is it possible the other guys are being dicks to you? Sure. Is it possible you are doing the same to them? Of course. None of that has any bearing on someone who loves the mod and finds it infuriating to have to redo his wiring every time he logs on or comes back from the Nether.
In the unique world of free, open source gaming, the only currency you have is interest. Lose the players' interest and you lose developer interest as well. In fact, I've been pondering getting back into development myself for the sake of IC2, but nonsense like this makes it unattractive when I'm considering whether I could be of assistance in this specific problem.
Ok, Speiger, since I can't remember you telling me: What is the solution to this exact problem?
And could you please not make every thread on the forums into a "The IC2 team is bad, because they don't do exactly, what I tell them to."-thing?
You cause BlockUpdates without a check if the blocks are actually chunkloaded or not... Which causes that already unloaded blocks reload the chunk readding the Cables and then the chunk unloads again etc.
Causes a chunk flickering and sometimes the stuff gets not removed properly and causing this issue.
a if check: isBlockLoaded(pos) should be more then enough to fix this issue.Also Aroma: You were the person who said: If a bug gets reported by speiger & nobody else reports it to its unlickly to get fixed...
Also Aroma: You were the person who said: If a bug gets reported by speiger & nobody else reports it to its unlickly to get fixed...
I saw the comment you're referencing and the way I interpreted it is that you're a Dev and if you report it, then it's likely you would work on the problem on yourself. Also, one report of a problem does necessarily mean it's a confirmed problem and not something else like a corrupted install or world file.
Try #84
Well every issue i find at Exp i check with Classic and fix them in there too if we have a similarity.
Like for example: Nuclear Reactor does a lot of BlockChecks per tick. (In worst cases over 1200 TileEntity Checks per 20 Ticks)
So yeah when i post a bug or something i did check it and validated it.For example:
Make a reactor (full size) with a setup that produces a good amount of power. Like 60-100 EU
Connect on one chamber a cable that is bound to a Full MFSU that has a constant 3 EU drain (Electric Furnace connected with it (transformerupgrades in it).
Connect a Second MFSU (Empty) with a wire to another chamber that is not connected to the First Chamber in any way.Then start the Furnace cook something. And start the reactor & look at the Empty MFSU. If the Enet works how it is supposed to work then you would receive 57 EU (with a 60 Setup).
Problem is: You will get ranomdly into the empty MFSU Energy and if the almost full MFSU gets charged the Empty MFSU does not get charged at all. Energy would be voided...I posted this issue out a long time ago... It has not been fixed. Actually it got ignored...
And here is the thing: The Enet is supposed to send energy to all receivers equally. If energy from 1 Receiver is left over it will distribute it to all the others.
Another bug is: Every Machine is markt as Energy Emitter, And that means Every machine you place down will get processed in the Emit Energy List which increases the lag always a tiny bit... (And what do you think is going to happen on servers) -
Try #84
Looks like it fixes the nether aspect of the problem but there appears to still be an issue of the transformer block not being connected to downstream cables unless dismantled and replaced.
Since that is the same thing: Its because Aroma Caches all pending BlockUpdates until the next tick starts. While Blocks like Transformers require actually a Instant BlockUpdate...
(Edit that is only a guess) -
This is still happening.
IC2 2.6.252-ex110
This is still happening.
Cracked it down to being more common if using Galacticraft stuff with IC2 exp stuff.