[1.7.10] Tiny thing I noticed about Universal Fluid Cells

    • Official Post

    Could it be that empty Universal Fluid cells sometimes have an empty NBTTagCompound hanging on them?

    Because sometimes they don't stack properly and the only difference I could see is that there might be an empty NBT attached to the empty Cell. Couldnt you just remove all the empty Tags when emptying a Cell? And if the main tagCompound of the Item is empty, remove that empty thing?

  • Its 1.7.10. and no thats not what you are doing.

    Simply: Items start with null stackcompounds.
    As soon someone tries to read the data (serversided) it will automaticly call: StackUtil.getOrCreateNBTData(ItemStack stack)
    which will make stackcompounds != null
    the fluid meanwhile is stored in a subTag inside of the stackCompound.
    what you do is deleting only the subtag when no fluid is stored

    • Official Post

    If it isnt obvious from the Title of my THread, 1.7.10.

    And I think it is your StackUtil doing that, maybe add some check that kills the NBT if it is completely empty.

    See what Speiger said, he explained it better, and somehow before I saw his Post. My Internet is semi-broken right now. Will be fixed likely soon though.