so I have been experimenting with gregtech 5 unofficial (1.10.2) recently, but I find it way to complex and tedious. I have also tried techReborn, but it seems unfinished.
So pretty much, I really like the concept of adding a lot of high tier stuff after IC2's end game. But I dont like how much gregtech changes. I have looked into config adjustment, but there is still no good way to make it so it has vanilla like ore generation, and not a rediculous amount of ores. I also find the fact that theres 10 tiers for every machine kind of overwhelming.
so pretty much what I want is a lighter version of gregtech, aimed at extending IC2's end game rather than completely redoing vanilla minecraft. some Ideas I had for this include:
-much fewer ores that get generated like they do in vanilla, and only get generated in normal stone.
-no changes to vanilla recipies or IC2 recipies, and use Ic2 difficulty level recipies
-Use ic2's cables with only adding cables for higher energy tiers
-use the old IC2 energy net, with packets and no current stuff.
-have all the types of machines that gregtech has, but using the IC2 machines for macerators, powered furnaces and other vanilla IC2 machines
-have all the super end game multiblocks like fusion reactors
-have pipes for items and liquids, but a much simpler version with only a few types of each
-not be intrusive on other mods recipies