Sorry about all this, this is my first time every really having an issue with a server member, he is a young child and i am afriad the kid gloves were not used by my moderators, but to be honest there were problems in the past and not to give to much detail this was the only natural outcome, he seems like a good kid, but he is just a kid, so it should never be like this... i hate to upset someone expecially a young child he is hurt and i understand... i hope he calms down and things get easier for him but as a child he has a lot of anger to work out over it and at a young age thing like this are harder to deal with for him then for an adult who can handle the insults tossed at him... please dont think to poorly of my mods or of my members there were warning beyond warning and in this case a ban is require... please understand, the behavior voilated the rules many times over and even over looking what has been said in the forums, the behavior warranted a ban.
This alone is proof of wrong doing you know you were wrong yet you fight, an apology would have gone further, get more bees with honey then insult (or something like that. lol)
I am well known on a server and close to the ex-owner (he is still a full ability member but not hosting it). And you realise I went about almost a year without greifing. And 1 greif your perma banned. I only been on it about a year though XD