fresh 1.8 please XD idk where to get 1.8 or elce i would do that

► Gult's Gorge - 1.6.4 Free2Play | HOSTED | NO WHITELIST | Buycraft | Teamspeak ATLAUNCHER EASY INSTALL IC2, PROJECT RED, Buildcraft, Forestry, Applied Energistics, Bibliocraft, Binnies mod, Compact solars,Extra Cells, Gregtech, IC2 Nuclear Controls,
- Levint7012
- Closed
Legally we can't upload the MC jars, but you can try this…346-tool-mcnostalgia-201/
*Edit* Changed link to an updated version of the software.
didnt work
E: oh that would be updated version XD
E2: nope
E3:0.0 i am stareing at my recycleing binand i see a whole lot of jar files...
E4: wow a 1.7.3 jar XD
E5:OH!!! i think i found a fresh 1.8!!!!(i have a TON of backups in folders)
E6: kk im remakeing my entire .minecraft and now replaceing and installing the modpack
E7: crap srry guys my bad >.>
E8: lol too many edits but im now stuck ive gone as fresh as i can go (Meta - Inf was still there) and modloader completely crashes it when i start it up -
yah well u killed it again
Woot woot. You deserve a medal doc:
i reinstalled everything the closest thing to fresh was a jar with timber/modloader in it the 1 i said was fresh was 1.8 Pre release >.> but i did everything according to the instructions
should we do what is described below 12
yes (11) 92%
no (1) 8%
dont care (0) 0%
ok so i know weve all invested ALOT of time into this map
however if youve played the past few weeks you might have noticed that the server has been a bit buggy. weve had numerous chunk coruptions and rollbacks as a result. currently one of our regular players can nolonger connect to the server without it dieing instantly. the pmods and some of the regulars have been discussing with the admins about wether we should do a server restart. meaning fresh map. again i know weve all put in alot of effort however the server restart would also come with the removal of more creatures (one of the main causes of the crashing chunks, if not THE cause of them) and potentially provided evrything works smoothly the removal of more creatures would allow the addition of teleport pipes (note this is not a garuntee as it was only updated to bukit yesterday) having said this are you in favor of reseting the map under these conditions. (plz only vote if you have been playing on the server and have somthing to lose in the reset
I installed all the mods I was told to and swapped the Redpower ID's for microblock and applicance, and the game loads up, but when I try to connect to the server it crashes and I crash. Help?
I am in full support for the reset as i think removeing Mo' creatures would resolve most issues and also the addition of teleport pipes would be awesome
mob saveing can be bad hehe
i have gave up on trying to instal the files for this server it seams to end with it not working or being simplyup like shit so i don't know i like seeing things how they are ment to be
- the reset official? if so when will it happen?
ok so i know weve all invested ALOT of time into this map
however if youve played the past few weeks you might have noticed that the server has been a bit buggy. weve had numerous chunk coruptions and rollbacks as a result. currently one of our regular players can nolonger connect to the server without it dieing instantly. the pmods and some of the regulars have been discussing with the admins about wether we should do a server restart. meaning fresh map. again i know weve all put in alot of effort however the server restart would also come with the removal of more creatures (one of the main causes of the crashing chunks, if not THE cause of them) and potentially provided evrything works smoothly the removal of more creatures would allow the addition of teleport pipes (note this is not a garuntee as it was only updated to bukit yesterday) having said this are you in favor of reseting the map under these conditions. (plz only vote if you have been playing on the server and have somthing to lose in the reset
hell to the yes
YES YES YES!!! Even though I lose alot..
Btw: Its Mo's Creatures not More creatures
So i guess the only question is when will it happen?
mabye if you change the words add power converters
mabye if you change the words add power converters
i would like haveing power converters like the energy coupler add on
omg where the fk is lev, he hasn't been on in a day. >.>
or we can has the cross over mod
we get electric engines
lev... where are U stop playing skyrim
or we can has the cross over mod
we get electric engines
although that would be cool tp pipes are better.