or we can has the cross over mod
we get electric engines
or we can has the cross over mod
we get electric engines
Mikeman97 has multiply griefed today. Please perma ban if possible. He has been running around with signs locking peoples chests. He also destryos property and kills people.
Edit: Still is.. Where are the p-mods, para, anyone??!?!?!
Edit 2: Now he has ignited tnt under phaser's house killing 3.
logging on now. Also to let you guys know. Lev and I will be performing a server map reset tonight and removing mo creatures. and attempting additional pipes.
IF you need help with modding I know a little about bukkit modding also could you look into the Iron chest, and the buildcraft industrial craft crossover mod.
Thanks, Pro
Can we switch to cpw's version of the Advanced Machines hotfix? It adds compatibility with the ore dictionary, thus allowing it to work with the rp2 ores, among other various tweaks.
Main post + client = http://forum.industrial-craft.…ad&postID=17145#post17145
Bukkit version = http://forum.industrial-craft.…ad&postID=17414#post17414
Can we switch to cpw's version of the Advanced Machines hotfix? It adds compatibility with the ore dictionary, thus allowing it to work with the rp2 ores, among other various tweaks.
Main post + client = http://forum.industrial-craft.…ad&postID=17145#post17145
Bukkit version = http://forum.industrial-craft.…ad&postID=17414#post17414
+1 lol im agreeing with all the add ons as it seems better :3
Did we change advMachine version as i am not able to log in?
I think they are still updating the server, we just gotta be patient :p
Working on it we have the server updated but no map or anything yet so no version update info right now but big changes... awesome new mods, thanks for the tip volc... works like a champ
Here's the added mods (All of them go to your /mods folder!)
Iron Chest 0.9.5 - http://forum.industrial-craft.…0443d2ddedf293d01c1adedf5
Power Converters 1.2.3 - http://www.mediafire.com/file/…nverters_Client_1.2.3.zip
Zeldo's Teleport Pipes r31 - http://adf.ly/3nzZX
Delete the previous Advanced Machines 2.1 and install this...
Advanced Machines 2.1 cpw's tempfix #2 - http://forum.industrial-craft.…0cccb828c63ae4276a43dcecd
Thanks so much volc i love u
Thanks VOLC you the MAN... saved me 20 minutes of work for sure... thanks again.
amar alex or mac please come on so i can go to new house =D soap
can i try and join? or shouldi just wait till mp reset?
The map has been reset, try logging in.
hey guys for those of you who dont know im outa action for at least a week while hp repairs/replaces my hardrive in mah primary computer. im working on a 6 yearold backup that cud never in a million years run minecraft. soap i havnt been on and i dont know that a house has been estblished as i havnt been on since reset
hey guys for those of you who dont know im outa action for at least a week while hp repairs/replaces my hardrive in mah primary computer. im working on a 6 yearold backup that cud never in a million years run minecraft. soap i havnt been on and i dont know that a house has been estblished as i havnt been on since reset
Don't worry amaro I would never let you down. I made the whole house and soap made most of the underground part. Can't wait to see you in-game I send you a mail that contains the coords to the base. Hope to see you soon broski. -TheCrazyAl3x
right sounds good thx for the update however im debating wether to join back up or to grab minor amounts of resources and start a new house (i tend to like starting over) somehow its more enjoyable