would like to join
Cster222an hr or 2 a day

[1.4.5] InventionCraft ANARCHY! [Dedicated Server | IC | BC | RP | Forestry | Mystcraft | and more! | MCUpdater]
would like to join
Cster222an hr or 2 a dayYou'll have to give a little more info than that. We have an app on our forums...
But we at least need age, timezone, how long you've been playing, any experience with the mods, etc.
I tried registering at your forums, but that didn't work out for me... as my browser won't open the activation dialogue. Not for the link activation nor for the code-input variant. I did try using several browsers, even stooping down and using IE *shudder* but to no avail. So I am applying here and asking you to please unlock the forum account for me, if you can.
1. Your name
Leo, I won't say anymore than that. Afterall, some anonymity must be kept, especially on the internet.
2. Your IGN
3. Your age
4. Your Time Zone
GMT+1 (Germany)
5. How long you've been playing Minecraft
Since 1.3, oh I did love the boosters
pity they were removed really.
6. Any experience with IC, BC or RP
I played using IC 6.xx (I think), went back to vanilla and SMP. Where I was admin for a server and responsible for all the plugins, especially permissions. Permissions can be a real pain... especially if they break >.> And now I've been back to 1.23 of IC² and love it
Since then I did some testing on nuclear apparati (using the Latin there, since it sounds better than the modern variant) and the general Bukkit + IC² game mechanics. In particular I was filled with joy after completing an automatic sorting system for my quarries, which sorted and placed the mined blocks and even processed the ores by sending them to macerators and furnaces prior to storage. I'm a fair hand at traditional redstone wiring so I'll have to see how I fare with RedPower. I also spent the last two weeks playing on an IC² server.7. Screenshots (Optional)
Im afraid that I deleted the good ones a while back by accident... and I'm a shift+deleter. But here are some oldish ones:
I can't claim credit for the whole town, but the train station is my work as is one of the tower houses (might not be visible, I couldn't check because of my internet). These aren't
the best, nor the biggest things I've build, but the only surviving screenshots I have
I am currently in search of a new IC² server because the server admin (suddenly, and without warning) decided to make the server private. He informed me of this today, when I logged in and promptly proceeded to ban me... I don't know why... I don't steal, I don't grief and I like playing and help players tooI will spend most of my free time playing one game or another, usually MC. But it's on and off, I may be online for 6 hours and up a day, for a week and then not play for the next week depending on my workload, because my professors like giving too many large assignments.
Interesting that our forums wouldn't work for you. Right now we have 130 members there and have had no reported issues with it. I'll look into and I'll keep your app on file. Thanks.
Interesting that our forums wouldn't work for you. Right now we have 130 members there and have had no reported issues with it. I'll look into and I'll keep your app on file. Thanks.
I've been having problems with scripts on sites lately, so I guess that your activation dialogue uses a script to open which my computer fails to run correctly. It's probably a driver issue or some other error on my side, but I do not currently have the leisure of reinstalling my OS as I usually would
I've been having problems with scripts on sites lately, so I guess that your activation dialogue uses a script to open which my computer fails to run correctly. It's probably a driver issue or some other error on my side, but I do not currently have the leisure of reinstalling my OS as I usually would
While I much prefer people to apply on our forums, I understand this was special circumstances. I've added you and sent you a PM. Thanks.
Server has been upgraded with more RAM to support more players!
Coming soon:
Spleef Arena
PvP Arena
Mob Arena
And registrations are closed again.
Thanks to everyone that signed up and is enjoying the server.
You can still fill out applications on our forum, but it will be at least a week before we let any more in.
Alright, we decided to go ahead and open up registrations in anticipation of the release of IndustrialCraft 1.337.
Please reply here or head over to our forums (preferred) and fill out an application!
Hope to see you soon!
We are hosting a Build Contest with item and iConomy prizes that is to be judged next Saturday! Get in now and enter the contest!
After testing the Bukkit port of 1.337b, we feel comfortable moving it to the server.
Thus, InventionCraft now has IndustrialCraft 1.337b!
Also, our Spleef Arena is 90% finished, but entirely operational. Only things left are some cosmetic touches. You can see it on our DynMap, as it's marked as "Spleef"!
Coming next is a very special and very big project by myself and c0r3_jg1986. We've been working on it for several days now, but still have at least a week and a half before it's finished. It will add a very fun area for members. More details soon, and as always, check out our forums as the most up to date info will be there!
Some server side files were updated yesterday, no change needed on the client's end. No more than one minute of downtime for the changes.
In other news, we'll be going public with our Terraria server very soon! Those of you that are interested can sign up on our forums! (look for the Terraria sub-forum)
Expect the same great uptime and stability that you've come to love with InventionCraft. -
Time playing:I get on in chunks, Sometimes I'll be on for hours and others not at all but, I make use of my time.
Just FYI for anyone wondering, we are watching the 1.0.0 updates and waiting for things to stabilize before making the jump. We have very high up time and this is mainly due to extensive testing before implementing things on the server. The downside to that is that we don't implement updates the day they come out.
Anyways, we will up date as soon as we're able to test everything and have everything appear stable.
You have his word... there is literally no downtime at all. All griefing reports are fixed so seamlessly and easily on the server; it's truly amazing. I can't wait to start playing once it's updated.
We are finally drawing near to opening up with our 1.0 server!
Fill out an app now to avoid a waiting list after we open the doors for 1.0!
We have a proven track record of over 99% up time, virtually no griefing (and very fast, location specific roll backs when there is), and a great community. Get in now as we start our new and final map as everyone will be starting fresh!
I cant remember if i applied before, but can you check the whitelist to see if im there?
(IGN Xekrom337)Otherwise i can go apply again, just wanted to check
I cant remember if i applied before, but can you check the whitelist to see if im there?
(IGN Xekrom337)Otherwise i can go apply again, just wanted to check
You're still on our whitelist.
We are now LIVE with MC 1.0. Please see our forums for more details.
Add me to white list
IGN : Kacperkiewicz
AGE : 15
RP,bc , ic2 exprience : Medium
Time i can spend on server : 4-5 hours a day -
Well,... I have returned
Btw, im having some problem with getting connected. Whenever I try to connect to the server, I receive all the messages of logging and stuff. But when It should finally join, I only receive a black screen.
Can you give me a hand?