Men's do you think it is possible to start soon cause I honestly can't wait to start this server. Redpower isn't exactly necessary at this point because you could sell the gems in a shop if we have one and ic2 has tin and copper ores and we don't really need frames

G1R Warcraft: IC2, project red, guns, ICBM, gregtech & much more!
God dammit I'm bored, can you just start the server, listen to Keebes.
yeay server is getting up again
and ofc we need frames
quarry ftw -
God dammit I'm bored, can you just start the server, listen to Keebes.
Get me those models we were talking about and it will go much faster. I also need those sprites you posted and anything else thats relevant. I'm putting together the server file and getting all the plugins and perms straightened out first so we don't have to keep restarting or making changes.
so when you say model do you mean the modern one I was talking about from manus pack
and you can use this at a sight
Hell Yeah! -
DEAN I SWEAR TO GOD. but anyways mens we don't really need frames cause of the fact that they create so much lag and since we would have planes we wouldnt need to build like fucking frame spaceships or tanks so i dont really see the need of redpower right away
cause i wonna troll blue with some nice "presents"
DEAN I SWEAR TO GOD. but anyways mens we don't really need frames cause of the fact that they create so much lag and since we would have planes we wouldnt need to build like fucking frame spaceships or tanks so i dont really see the need of redpower right away
We don't need it, but it's nice to have, I just built my very first (100% working) frame quarry last night, and HOT DAMN did it tear through my world. -
As far as frame mining goes there will be a brief window for it. We will not be having a mining world and there will be no chunk regenerations. Once all natural ore is mined out, it's gone forever. Team worlds will be 400x400 and will be just that - isolated maps linked to a hub map with portals. They will quickly be picked clean and that will make having large rigs unneccessary. The hub world will be unprotected so having an expensive or obvious rig there will be very dangerous. I was also going to limit frame ships to one per team. If there were further problems with that we could just limit the size.
There is a lot of interest in frame ship combat or I would not go through so much effort to let it happen.
Mens can we just start the server already and figure out teams i am bored af right now
Lol keebes calm your sack, bro. It will get done when Mens gets it done.
Dean you have no idea how bored i am right now
Lol dude I'm in single player messing around with the Sortron and Managers and it's pretty fun.
Lol dude I'm in single player messing around with the Sortron and Managers and it's pretty fun.
I'm making improvements to a frame quarry, I know how you feel (except when everything stops working because I miss-clicked and didn't realize it). -
I want to know if we are getting WRCBE because it will change quarries a bunch.
I would like to get WRCBE and will certainly try. Whether it works or not is up to minecraft.