men are you updating to latest industrial craft 2?

G1R Warcraft: IC2, project red, guns, ICBM, gregtech & much more!
The server is now updated for buildcraft 2.2.3 and IC2 1.23.
but they have no reason and green does not want war D:
Communication error? I got this 2 days ago or yesterday dont remember I figured you were fixing the server or something so I left it alone
I finally was able to log in today but adam told me you banned me =/ Server was dun while it lasted even though I think others should be banned aswell
The latest IC build makes it so you can no longer use pipes to draw items from safes. It also gave laser resistance to reinforced stone and reinforced doors. This should help you guys defend your holdings much better. Thank Alblaka for this awesomeness.
Also, a couple words on red's blitz on green:
The attack was not permitted but the rules werent very clear, so I didn't ban adam and I simply undid the damage to greens base. The attack itself was devestating though, and after seeing how much damage a bombing run can do I'm pretty impressed by those planes. I rewrote the rules and put them in play so there is no reason for another event like tuesdays (nevar forget: 10-24-11).
I also would like to take a moment to clarify some issues:
-Many people are having crashing problems. This has been identified as a buildcraft issue and Spacetoad is working very hard to resolve it. I'm sure it will be addressed in a few weeks. Until then if you are crashing I would suggest to stay away from chunks with loads of buildcraft stuff. There is a direct correlation between the quality of your internet and the crashes, so go figure..
-The huge mines and huge oil wells coordinates are written below. He who controls those points controls the game.
IRON: X:174 Z:-146
COAL: X:108 Z:-152
COPPER: X:91 Z:-62
TIN: X:155 Z:-83
OIL: X:119 Z:-107-I will conduct ONLY the following trades with players to counter the scarcity of certain resources:
1 leather for 1 rubber
1 gold for 40 gunpowder
1 iron for 100 slimeballs
1 industrial diamond for 1 real diamond-With the redesigned safes it will be possible to set up a trading outpost. If this is something you guys are interested in let me know.
As always if you have any problems or questions email me at
Every team now has a command center. These are located at the center of team bases at bedrock level. In war time if an enemy team can manage to get in the command centers upper chamber and take a screenshot with at least 3 people against the unique backdrop, the team whose command center was breached loses (same outcome as surrendering - one week trapped in the capital area). Hide command centers well and defend them as best you can.
Also, there seems to be a great deal of confusion regarding leadership. Some people have come forward to assert themselves as leaders. This is great and what I hoped would happen. Other teams have no leader because they can't decide on it. This is not acceptable. If you are unable or unwilling to annoint some form of leadership then I will impose it on you. I dont want to do this but I also don't want a team to be a chaotic, leaderless mess. I need leaders to communicate with. Here are some options for getting leaders -
vote someone in
appoint them based on merit
hold a contest (duel, building, etc)
just claim your the leader and if no one challanges you I will acknowledge the claimIf I have to decide I will ask each team member who they think should lead and then appoint the most popular choice.
One more thing - flying over a capital is no different from tresspassing. Airspace is under their jurisdiction just as much as their land is. If I catch people tresspassing they will be banned. If I get a screenshot in my email of someone tresspassing I will ban them. Not a joke. 90% of the land in the server is lawless. The only areas under protection are capital zones. Even then, those zones can be attacked if you declare war on that team. If a person can't respect these rudimentary rules that I established to maintain fairness then Im certainly not going to tolerate that person. Before you violate the team rules remember that they are there for a reason, and that without them NO ONES area is safe. I know you all want an edge on each other but that is not the way to get it; even if you win because of that edge your victory will be hollow and illegitimate - it will in no way reflect the quality of your abilities. If you just want to triumph without any challange play normal minecraft.
Server was down for about 45 minutes while I added a couple really big things.
One, I got some really nice pieces of the map broville and added it in to the spawn city. There is tons of stuff there to loot and it should make nice ruins after its been bombed and fought over.
Two, every team has a huge oil deposit somewhere near their capital. Very close...I'm sure you will all find it.
Mmmmmm, oil. -
This server looks intersting. What time are people usually on (GMT), and how are new players treated?
During the day we usually have at least 5 people on, about half the time more (8-10). Weekends are the most active. BC crashing is really holding us back. New players have it rough before they are recruited. They can really only rely on staying hidden. Thankfully, teams are pretty eager to recruit people as soon as they come on, and as soon as your recruited you get one complimentary teleport to a capital zone w/ the opportunity to move your stuff there from your private base. Generally we are a pretty laid back crew despite being on a war server. I personally go out of my way to accomadate people and give them assistance (advice & technical support, not material). Really no one is turned away, cause its a meritocracy. If you show that your cool & honorable people are quick to like you.
Buildcraft has now been updated to 2.2.5. Excellent news for everyone who was crashing. Hopefully.
Tomorrow at 6PM eastern standard time a new front will open up; spawn city will be rehabilitated for another looting/bombing spree.
Green and red team have formed an alliance and have officially declared war on gold and blue. At 12 pm EST on November the 6th their capitals will open up for war.
Happy Nov 5th everyone. Go cause some trouble.
All wars have ended. Blue surrendered and golds command center was captured. Only red suffered minor damage. Green suffered moderate damage. Blue and gold suffered heavy damage. Pics of the command center cap here:
We will be getting rid of ww2 guns and vehicles, mostly because they are horrible mods and vehicles practically dont work at all (planes are not much better but we dont have another flight mod to choose from). Fortunatly, SDK is back so we will be getting SDK guns when that goes SMP(yay real guns!). We will also be getting red power. The only thing holding us back is SDK going SMP so we are basically waiting for that before we do a map reset. I am letting you guys know now though that you can only bring to the new map what you can carry. To be honest, its not that big of a deal cause we will have mines and a lootable spawn city up on the next map just like the present one. I will give at least a day advance notice so stay tuned and keep your eye on this thread :…-mods-v1-finally-updated/ . Please don't badger SDK though or he might crawl back into his bunker.
On the next map there will only be two teams. No your not getting a team or special accomadations for your ego so don't ask..I will TP you over a lava are not a special or unique snowflake. Team reps from red have already been picked and will be: tumuchfkingcreep, adamdabester & ndelmnco. No reps for blue have been picked but I have some people in mind (zajozor, come back!).
On another note, it seems many people feel that the rules do not apply to them and that by bothering me or nik they can be an exception. Let me make this clear: you can't. While whining, bitching, moaning and asking for special treatment will not get you banned (may get you muted), that behavior will certainly invoke the contempt of everyone who doesn't display it, myself and nik included. Good for some laughs for the rest of the crew though, just don't expect us to be to nice to you when every other sentence you say is "this is shit" or "can you refund my stuff that i lost" or "can you tp me back to my base".
Pro tip: if your having problems with mobs and basic survival you probably wont like it here, humans are infinitly more challanging than braindead AI and mere "survival".
Hey is server down? cnat tell, pplz said it was down earlier as well
Hey is server down? cnat tell, pplz said it was down earlier as well
I'm having the same problem as well. I guess it is down.
i wonder why its down oh and this is kord
Something happened that caused the server to crash when I was at work. I just got home so its back up now. Somehow the map got corrupted, so the server used the most recent backup. Nothing was lost but if anyone was on when it went down I would appreciate them letting me know if anything unusual happened then. Sorry about that downtime, I want to determine how this happened so I can prevent it from happening again.
At 2 PM EST on 11-13-11 blue and gold teams rebuilding period will be over. They will be free to leave their capital, declare war, and have war declared on them.