[SOLVED] How do I add Ore Washing Plant recipes to my addon?

  • I'm creating an addon for IC2, similar to the old 1.6.4 JAMI addon but for 1.7.10. I'm starting on adding interaction with DivineRPG and I was able to successfully add macerator recipes thanks to Speiger's example. But I'm having trouble adding recipes for the Ore Washing Plant. I added the code as you can see from in the code block. I get no errors in eclipse and the game doesn't crash but nothing happens when I put the crushed ores in the Ore Washing Plant. Other Crushed Ores will get washed but the ones from the recipe I tried to add don't.

    Java: IC2RPGAddon.java
                    ItemStack oreWashing_input   = new ItemStack(crushedRupeeOre, 1);
                    ItemStack oreWashing_output  = new ItemStack(purifiedRupeeOre, 1);
                    ItemStack oreWashing_output2 = new ItemStack(Items.string, 2);//String for testing. Change to respective tiny dust.
                    ItemStack oreWashing_output3 = new ItemStack(Items.wheat_seeds, 1);//Seeds for testing. Change to IC2 stone dust.
                    Recipes.oreWashing.addRecipe(new RecipeInputItemStack(oreWashing_input), null, oreWashing_output, oreWashing_output2, oreWashing_output3);

    MC: 1.7.10

    IC2: 2.2.828


    Mods folder: IC2-dev, DivineRPG, CodeChickenCore-dev

    • Official Post

    The Ore Washing plant needs to know how much water to drain. Therefore you need to give it that as an argument. You do that by using the following method:

    NBTTagCompount nbt = new NBTTagCompound();
    nbt.setInteger("amount", 1000);
    Recipes.oreWashing.addRecipe(yourInputs, nbt, yourOutputs);