Support: BadDrawable crash

  • Everything's installed right, but I'm getting this error:

    Do I have to update the lwjgl jar? Or is it something else?

  • Alright, thanks Al. I'll give it a shot.

    ...Oh, that's right. I have a backup of the whole .minecraft folder and when I extract the archive the files probably downgrade a little bit. I'll try going fresh for a time.

  • Alright, I had to bump this.

    I'm still getting the same error, which I think sits inside the TF2 Teleporter mod, but I wanted the opinion of all you guys:

    1. Yes, I started from a fresh JAR (all of them, lwjgl, jinput and lwjgl_util, AND minecraft.jar)
    2. Installed everything right (including decompressing to add Buildcraft and moving the ModLoader.class into the JAR root from /java/lang/)

    I've checked back over everything, if no one can give me a hand, I head back to the TF2 thread and start asking around.