"Explosions in the EnergyNet are enabled again. If you connect a machine to an improper voltage, it will explode" How do I disable this and also why is there even such annoying feature in ic2 and no hint how to disable it?
How can i disable explosions on high voltage or in whole ic2 cause it's just annoying and useless for me
If you really want to get rid of this amazing and unique feature, you can do so by disabling it in the config file (assuming you are using the latest build)
Annoying? It is supposed to be there to teach you how to set up Machines properly!
I only can disable nuke in the config file do i need to delete old config file if i updated the version?
It should get added to the config file automatically, if not, you need to delete the config file.
How is it called, cause can't find it. I am using latest 1.10.2 version
It's only in the 1.12 version.
can you add it to 1.10.2 too cause i am playing forever stranded and i can't switch to 1.12
I can't. The 1.10 build is currently broken...
Would universal cable from mekanism bypass this energy limit so i can use them on every machine with same power level?
Dunno. I never used nekanism stuff. Why don't you use better cables/transformers/transformer upgrades?
I hate transformer one time the blowup my half house...
Then you used it wrongly.