[GregTech 6] I don't understand how to translate this mod

  • Hello guys !

    I searched on the forum and didn't find any hint to answer my question. :/

    I'm trying to translate Gregtech 6 in French (especially the gregtech_1.7.10-6.04.05 version)

    I need this version specifically.

    My problem is the following: I can't find the file in which I could translate items/blocks/etc...

    I tried to compare the Russian translation file, but I don't see any change ingame.

    I already translated many other mods, but this one doesn't include a lang file

    Could you help me please? Can someone explain to me step by step how to translate the mod?

  • oh... Thank you very much!

    I feel so stupid now XD

    p.s.: by the way, thank you very very much for your fantastic work on this mod !!!