[BUG] Solar panels cuasing drop in FPS.

  • I'm noticing this on smp-server "Minecraft inventioncraft".
    Staying close to solar panels makes my fps drop do 1990-laptop fps. And trust me, I got 2009 high-end hardware. (still extremely good)

  • I'm noticing this on smp-server "Minecraft inventioncraft".
    Staying close to solar panels makes my fps drop do 1990-laptop fps. And trust me, I got 2009 high-end hardware. (still extremely good)

    Good to know I'm not alone. Glad you pointed out that its oly when your near your panels. at a certain distance it smooths out in fps.

  • Also seems to happen when I'm close to my Personal safe. This safe was spawned.

    It seems other machinery is fine. I have not tested other generators.

    More specific:

    It drops the FPS only when I walk within (maybe) 5blocks of the closest solarpanel and the safe, but not every time. (night/day is the same)
    The FPS goes back to normal once I move away from the panels (maybe 5 blocks away from the nearest panel)

    Using a freshly modded minecraft 1.8 following the instructions on the wiki. Installed all mods and patches/fixes in the specified order. No other mods are installed.
    edit: Using Indcraft 1.15

    Restarted my minecraft, lags are now gone. Will report back if they reappear.

    Yep, happens after a while again after every restart. Always close to the solar panels when it happens for me.

  • I've experienced some FPS Drops on my Server , too(its just a small server for me & friends).
    It dont seem to be connected to any blocks/maschines, just to special locations.
    It was sometimes near some MFUs or SOlar Panels or other BLocks, but sometimes near normal MC Blocks(dirt,grass etc.).
    When i diconnected AND Restarted my Minecraft (not the Server) and then connected again, the FPS drop "location" disappeared,
    but i always find new locations then.
    Currently, its very strange. I got an building (full with IC² stuff), where FPS is good and fast. But when i leave the Building and go to Nature(swamp biome) FPS start dropping and is bad as long as im not in my Building (tried even running away fast). Also making render distance to tiny didn't change anything.
    The FPS Drops wasn't just there for me, other Players on my Server had them, too (sometimes on same location).

    I have following mods/plugins on my Server:

    Using the Minecraft_Server.jar from minecraft.net, starting it with a Bat to allocate more memory to it, using command string:

    "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar

    Same for Client.
    IC² 1.15 (of course)
    Modloader MP
    Minecraftforge 1.1.1 Server
    Flan's MP Utils

    Client Side:
    All required stuff to use IC² & BC
    TMI for 1.8.1

    I've had removed Buildcraft, the Bug still appears, then i've removed IC² (so just Flan's Utils & Modloaderstuff was on Sever) and bug didN't appeared anymore.
    So The FPS Drop seems to comes from IC² or IC² + Flan's MP Utils or Modloaderstuff (including MC Forge) (due to incompatiblety).

    Here some Screenshots:

    Inside my Building, FPS normal.

    Outside, FPS drop starts.

    On Tiny Render Distance, its still bad.

    Back inside my Building, its totally fine again.

    EDIT: I removed Flan's Utils and FPS Drop still there.

    EDIT2:Made a new World on Server, i found no FPS drops there, seems to be connected to placed IC Stuff, i will continue Testing.

  • AFter placing a bunch of solar panels, Industrial Rage crashed. We had about 700 in view from one spot. , and more all over. I think this may have been the issue.