Hello, I'm making my first thermal nuclear reactor, and I've found a page on official wiki with some instructions. Some blocks, such as Boiler and Steam Turbine are rnamed, but I've found them.
I've got two questions. Where can I find the TANKS!!! and which side where should the Kinetic Steam Generator(aka Steam Turbine) be located.
Here is the wiki page and the picture with instructions https://wiki.industrial-craft.…Power#Nuclear_Physics_201
Thanks in advance.
Thermal Nuclear Reactor problem
The tank was added in IC2 2.3.202, so if you're somehow still using a 1.8 build older than that, or haven't moved beyond 1.7 yet there is no IC2 tank. Fluid Regulators or probably Distributors could be used instead, albeit much more expensively.
The tank was added in IC2 2.3.202, so if you're somehow still using a 1.8 build older than that, or haven't moved beyond 1.7 yet there is no IC2 tank. Fluid Regulators or probably Distributors could be used instead, albeit much more expensively.
Thank you very much. Yes, I'm using a 2.2.827 version of ic2, so I don't have it.
Any advice which pressure valve value should I set in Steam Generator?
And why reactor doesn't turn on, when i put redstone signal to reactor redstone port?
Thanks in advance -
If you're building that setup then 221 bars is going to be best. As for the redstone port, make sure it's not on a corner/edge of the 5x5 frame.
Ok, i have put redstone port one side and it started working, but then it exploded. I guess it wasn't draining hot coolant, but I've placed liquid ejectors upgrades. And those orange squares on liquid heat exchangers... Should the be face towards me, as on a picture? Because I'm not sure about the hot coolant draining, as i've set 1000mb/tick to Fluid regulators. What I might be doing wrong?
The liquid heat exchange's orange sides should definitely be facing the Steam Generator, they're probably only like that for the sake of telling them apart on the picture. It should be quite clear if the hot coolant is cycling properly if the final fluid regulator going back to the reactor is getting normal coolant back or not. If it is, providing you're processing it fast enough, you'll be fine. Otherwise you'll have to see how far it's getting before becoming stuck.
OMFG... Ok, I'm done with that, so my liquid heat exchanders are faced right and coolant gives it's heat to boiler, but when I try to higher boiler's distilled water consumption more than 1mb/tick(even to 2mb/tick), it's output starts flashing between overheated steam and distilled water. Fluid regulators, which provide hot coolant to heat exchangers start flashing from active to inactive texture. I have tried playing with their settings, but i haven't found a way to higher boiler's input rate from 1. Have no idea how to fix this. Maybe I'am asking too nooby questions, but please bare with me
Thanks in advance.
If you're producing super heated steam it is going to take 200 HU/t per 1 mb/t of water, hence with only 2 heat exchangers (each producing 100 HU/t) you're not able to go above 1 mb/t of water. You'd end up with a much more complicated set up if you want to attach two more heat exchangers though. Doubling it up however to have a second steam generator going into the kinetic steam generators would work well.
The 5x5 reactors and steam setups are quite confusing and temperamental, you shouldn't feel bad asking