Which of these items do you think should be implemented? READ POST FIRST!!! 3
All 3 of them (Code Door, Personal Door, and Code Chest) (3) 100%
Personal Door and Code Door, but not the Code Chest (0) 0%
Personal Door and Code Chest, but not the Code Door (0) 0%
Code Door and Code Chest, but not the Personal Door (0) 0%
Only the Code Door (0) 0%
Only the Personal Door (0) 0%
Only the Code Chest (0) 0%
None of them should be implemented (0) 0%
One day you go home to your pretty house after a long day of mining. But WAIT, the guys from next door are in your house! And you realize that your wooden door is good no more. Behold, the Code Door and the Personal Door!
The personal door works like a personal safe, you, and only you, can use it.
The crafting recipe is like:
The is a machine block, the
is whatever door Albaka thinks fits best, the
is an electronic circuit, and the
is an empty space.
But wait! What if your roomate doesn't like having to grief his way into the house every time? Well then you need a code door. Right clicking on the door will open a GUI, and you can enter your somewhat customizable code!
The crafting recipe is like so:
Again, the is a machine block, the
is whatever door Albaka thinks fits best, the
is an electronic circuit, and the
is an empty space.
A Quick Note: Every IC^2 is too good for griefing and stealing, and you know that. If you do grief and steal, uninstall IC^2; you're not behaved enough (or kind enough, for that matter) for the privilege.
Now, what if you want to be able to share items in a chest only certain group of people can access? Behold, the code chest! Credit to FourFire for this idea, you rock!
Craft like so:
Once AGAIN, the is a machine block, the
is an electronic circuit, and the
is an empty space. Also, now the
represents whatever chest Albaka thinks fits best.