1.23 TradeOMat op access

  • I just thought that both being personal block/containers, they should have similar behaviours when it comes to accessibility.
    Also, Ops might need to remove illegally placed Trade-O-Mats.


  • actually OP's shoud only destroy personal blocks without any drop and ability to open content with server logging.

    on small servers this is fine, you and some friends are OP's nobody else.

    on a bit larger servers with OP- players run around with limited OP commands but still OP and able to steal from personal blocks completly undetectable.

    in case of destruction only, this action is logged and can be used only to remove block, cos stealing is not possible anyway.

  • I don't use it but I agree should be configable. Bad servers = anyone but the head admin op. Good servers only admin and that's used for more bug checking or theft checking even related to maybe someone was claimed to stolen bunch goods and placed it in a shop etc etc.. Or maybe they have issues and op can help them out etc etc.

    Really in my own honest opinion the op has rights for everything. It's the server admins fault and the players who play such servers that don't have a handle on their security. Not your job.

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