[1.23] Quantum Suit 3 high blocks = Speedhax!

  • Small bug mainly blamed to Notch in fact all Notch but with the Quantum suits it's pretty much broken to hell. You can do the hop 3 high down a cave for example and move so fast that you can run past the chunk loading throttle and also do a lot of damage to servers causing massive amounts of chunks to be forced loaded and known to cause memory leaks from it. Really abusive exploit for large servers.

    It is a vanilla bug like I said enhanced 10 fold with the suit. Not sure if it's worth the time investigating or not.

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  • And, what exactly is the bug again?
    If you did discribe it already, it got probably lost in bad grammar ^^'

    Build a 3 high ceiling or platform or anything that is 3 high. Then go quantum speed and bounce between the floor and the 3 high ceiling and you will actually start going to warp!

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  • And then the server drops you for moving too fast, and you cry. :(

    Yeah Bukkit has a bit more performance enhancements there lol. I mean I could force a limit but man its pretty epic devastating :P

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  • Ah, the speedtunneling bug. Yes it's an issue related to the fact people wanted to have sped-up jumps :/
    Guess i've gotta rework the code there.

    Damn forums don't have a like button so.


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  • I don't really consider this a game breaking bug, maybe only the moved too fast. I just love that you can cover wide distances with this, you still need to dig the tunnels before going at lightspeed, so I see it as a kind of Tier2 minecart^^

    • Official Post

    I don't really consider this a game breaking bug, maybe only the moved too fast. I just love that you can cover wide distances with this, you still need to dig the tunnels before going at lightspeed, so I see it as a kind of Tier2 minecart^^

    There will be more appropriate industrial travel options in the future, next to the ueber expensive (will be reworked in that way) QS and the buggy Teleporters...

  • any hints? rail/air/terrain travel? :D

    Ever notice when forums have a suggestion board, there's a small group of idiots who just hang around that little forum section? Yeah, I'm one of those guys. (c) by That one guy

  • Yes. Depends.

    hehe. Air travel will come in overtime that done at a quantum speed or less would cause not to many chunk issues. I guess a rail system at quantum speed would also work. One thing I would love to see is more client side speed boats... Why I said client? Well as far as I can tell the whole damn boat system is 100% server side. You tell the server where you want to go and it sends it back. Really really crappy in SMP not sure what SSP like.

    I would love just to see Minecarts at speeds as the suits with a few cool options. Pretty simple too but I guess will have to wait what's in store.

    But please please please if you don't have enough SMP testers pick a couple out because I feel SMP gets over looked to much during testing.

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