Suggestion: descaffolder

  • A machine which uses power to remove all scaffolding blocks touching it/touching scaffoldign touching it, and places it in chests surrounding it.


  • Not very needful, I think.
    And still, you can just broke lower one and enjoy of scaffold-raining.

    Yep, I am from Russia, and yep, my english isn't good enough...
    So if.. if you dare to laugh of me, I.. I will find you and destroy with all our Soviet nuclear bombs, bwahahaha!
    Naah, I'm just kidding ^^ ... not. :|

  • A machine which uses power to remove all scaffolding blocks touching it/touching scaffoldign touching it, and places it in chests surrounding it.


    Or just make it so it brings down all of the touching scaffolding when you wrench it no need for an entire block