[Sugestion] Redisign of Mining Laser

  • Why is it useless? Being able to obliterate four blocks deep of stone in a single shot makes hollowing out building areas a whole lot faster than using the diamond drill. It also makes long-distance tunnelling a whole lot faster for the same reason.

    For all of the 10 seconds of battery life you'll get in that mode. Seriously, I'd be better off just lugging another diamond drill or batpack around instead, most of the time.

    I think it really needs to be able to draw power from a batpack - and that we need a Tier 2 batpack that can supply such things. As it stands, 64 uses is about what you'd get out of a wooden pickaxe. Sure it's more powerful, but its uses are so limited (in its primary and practical mode) that one is better off with another tool.

  • Of course I'm not expecting a T2/T3 battery pack to be a portable MFE/MFSU... but if they were centered around one or two energy crystals/lapotrons and could store a couple hundred thousand/million, that would seem reasonable. Use an advanced circuit and an advanced machine in the middle, and the appropriate crystal at the bottom, perhaps?

  • Looking foward to the results. Basically, when you say you intend to work on something, it puts my mind at ease. I am confident that the result will be worth the wait.

  • All the mining laser needs is more staying power id say, it can be used on mobs when there is no time for a bow and arrow's pullback time. And currently it breaks through blocks fairly well, but when I use it, its dead in under a minute. I now devote 4 slots in my inventory to recharge it, a mfs and 3 lapotrons, problem is that the thing takes way too long to charge on the go, with its charge time you could build a respectable 2 story shack. The laser needs to either have a greatly increased battery life, have upgraded versions that use expensive materials to increase efficency, or make it easier to power it, like maybe having its own ammo. Or maybe even could be charged slowly with electrolyzed water cells. Its open to debate.