
[Addon v1.112]AdvGenerators²v3.3.0-New Toys!!!
you sir are epic -
I had to update from 1.4.7 to 1.6.2. So, I am very awesome.
This release may not be stable and is not yet compatible with any other Fallen Beast mod's.
This is only core, right? you gonna update advan Gens?
I'll try.
Hey all forgive me for beating a dead horse, but I gotta ask...
Is there a "stable" version of this mod and the core mod for 1.5.2 anywhere?
I read the last few pages of comments to try and find out myself, but my eyes began to cross and my head hurt after all the quote of a quote of a quote of a quote, etc....
If anyone could just give me a yes or no answer it would be appreciated. A link with a yes would be freak'n awesome.
Hey all forgive me for beating a dead horse, but I gotta ask...
Is there a "stable" version of this mod and the core mod for 1.5.2 anywhere?
I read the last few pages of comments to try and find out myself, but my eyes began to cross and my head hurt after all the quote of a quote of a quote of a quote, etc....
If anyone could just give me a yes or no answer it would be appreciated. A link with a yes would be freak'n awesome.
Nope, the dev didn't update since 1.4.7, and we saw him only twice since that as well.
Thank you MatLaPatate. That confirms what I got from what I did read, but seeing the last few comments about some progress towards 1.6 updates I was hoping maybe I had just missed something.
Thank you for your time.
However, we are still crossing our fingers and hoping he comes back!!
I'll tell you right now, he won't. I even went to his kongregate and ever since I talked to him about industrial craft forums, he never logged back into kongregate ever again... By the way, if anyone wants to take a crack at updating advgenerators I do have a github that has all that fancy stuff... It even has the source code for F4113N-C0RE!
I'll tell you right now, he won't. I even went to his kongregate and ever since I talked to him about industrial craft forums, he never logged back into kongregate ever again... By the way, if anyone wants to take a crack at updating advgenerators I do have a github that has all that fancy stuff... It even has the source code for F4113N-C0RE!
he seems to dispear every time somebody finds him and talks about ic2 -
does anyone still use the 1.4.7 version of this mod? if they anyone does i could use some help, first off in the configs the slag gen is set to 125 which produces an insanely overpowered amount of EU so when i change it to .25 it produces the amount specified in his posts (25%), so after i figured this out i immediately did the same update on my server but it doesn't change it, also this worked on already spawned worlds in singleplayer, but in multiplayer it doesn't change, i think this may have something to do with the advgenserverpatch.jar i have on here awhile ago ... i will try to create a new server with the configs correct and see if that fixes it, if anyone knows how to fix this please share, if not looks like im BETA testing for Master801 XD!
does anyone still use the 1.4.7 version of this mod? if they anyone does i could use some help, first off in the configs the slag gen is set to 125 which produces an insanely overpowered amount of EU so when i change it to .25 it produces the amount specified in his posts (25%), so after i figured this out i immediately did the same update on my server but it doesn't change it, also this worked on already spawned worlds in singleplayer, but in multiplayer it doesn't change, i think this may have something to do with the advgenserverpatch.jar i have on here awhile ago ... i will try to create a new server with the configs correct and see if that fixes it, if anyone knows how to fix this please share, if not looks like im BETA testing for Master801 XD!
I still use it but have never experimented with the configs much. I'll look into it.
Pretty sure advgenserverpatch.jar is a fix for the long standing missing classes for SMP. -
I still use it but have never experimented with the configs much. I'll look into it.
Pretty sure advgenserverpatch.jar is a fix for the long standing missing classes for SMP.yeah i know i compiled it and uploaded it here, i still haven't made a new server to test this, also to my old (way, way ,way ,WAAYYYYYYY old) post does advgen work with fallen core 4.0.3 server side?, im testing it because i wouldn't have a downdated version (4.0.2) unless i needed it for something... checking ot see if shit breaks brb,
trying 4.0.3 (minimum to run defence)
and 4.0.5 (latest update)4.0.2 crashed when placing "defence" chain link fence, interesting that it didn't crash when placing barbed wire from his mod, also im not sure if it crashed when i palced the first one down, or when i placed the secodn one down and they tried to connect, it seemed to be abouta tick delay so possibly it was trying to load it as a climable surface and fallencore4.0.2 didn't have a ladder reference. but i know that 4.0.3 is broke with advanced generators, also before showing the crash log it gives you a pale blue screen for about 6 seconds (never happened to me before now) ... EDIT: UGHHHH!! this also corrupted my world -_- ... t(-_--t)
4.0.3 crashed on start up
4.0.5 crashed on start up
(im not posting crash logs unless someone asks because otherwise it will be a waste of time)imm try to remove the defence code from 4.0.3+ and shove it into 4.0.2 or replace the 4.0.3+ advgen files with the 4.0.2 ones.
tried replacing 4.0.5's FCore.class with 4.0.2's, that was where advgen was complaining about a problem
got the same crash...moved 4.0.5's FCore into 4.0.2, didn't crash but black screened, looking at the .txt .
all i've figured out is i'm like 60% sure it has to do with FCore.class between the different versions, but then again i have no fricken clue...
if anyone wants to help jsut reply to this asking for crashes
I'VE BEEN WORKING ON GETTING YOU SHIT WORKING FOREVER literally i have posts about bugs for easily more thn 6 months on all your posts
so if you see this at least respond why you can't come back!if this doesn't work im going to ask my coder friend to have each mod reference a different"F4113NC0R3"
Everyone wants him back, but the last time someone found him and said go back on the forums/anything about IC2 his never logged on that site again. He's in vanish land like Alblaka -
Everyone wants him back, but the last time someone found him and said go back on the forums/anything about IC2 his never logged on that site again. He's in vanish land like AlblakaHe messaged me about why he left... Will explain if he lets me.
He messaged me about why he left... Will explain if he lets me.
WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????????????????? I know I've got not chance updating my 1.4.7 world, but his mods were one of the main sticking points. -
WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????????????????? I know I've got not chance updating my 1.4.7 world, but his mods were one of the main sticking points.Yeah, unfortunately he won't let me tell. So, the thing that I'm going to tell you guys is, left for a reason.