I was following my miner down the shaft the other day and noticed it was leaving behind silver within it's scan range. RP2 copper and tin (and seems like nicolite but I didn't observe) are still actively pursued but not silver. I'm not sure if anything can be done from IC2's end but thought I would let you know.
I'm running latest versions of both mods in question.
[Bug][1.23] Miner and RP2pr3b Silver
I was following my miner down the shaft the other day and noticed it was leaving behind silver within it's scan range. RP2 copper and tin (and seems like nicolite but I didn't observe) are still actively pursued but not silver. I'm not sure if anything can be done from IC2's end but thought I would let you know.
I'm running latest versions of both mods in question.You need to add all the RP Ores manually to the miner's Valuable ore list in the config:
Doesn't the miner suck up *any* damage value matching the block ID if it's not specified? It seemed to work with marble at least; but I don't know it's damage value (might be 0).
Also, the number after : is value of the ore to the scanner. Any number > 0 will be sought after by the miner.
Ah I see, thanks for the tip Adien.
yeah, thanks man!