Question about server hardware requirements using IC2

  • I'm looking at renting a server for myself and a handful of friends (4 of us) and I'm curious how much memory I should get to support IC2/BC/RP. I was hoping someone who uses those can give me a little insight so it's stable.

  • Using some adjusted settings I am able to get it performing OK for my self and a friend within 1024MB of 'dedicated' memory OVZ (burst is up to 2048 on that); however I have trouble telling how much of that is /needed/ and how much is just garbage collection bloat it isn't doing enough to rid it's self of. If your four friends are understanding then probably the same specs would work out. If they're demanding, ask them to chip in an extra few dollars so you can upgrade it to 2048.

    Asking about /where/ to host it depends entirely on your skill level. If you're looking for a hosted solution I'm sure many here can tell you where NOT to go. If you want to run your own + etc, there's really only a small list that make sense.

  • Thanks for the input, that's exactly what I was looking for. And as for the where and where not I'll poke around. I'm a cheap bastard :)