Redstone torch reaction control question

  • I just had a particularly rough first startup of my first actually built CASUC reactor.

    The important part is that I tried to control the reaction (prevent it from ticking uranium) by placing a redstone torch on block directly adjacent to one of the additional chambers.

    :Tesla Coil: :Nuke TNT: :Tesla Coil:

    :Nuke TNT: :Nuke TNT: :Nuke TNT: :Bronze Hoe:

    :Tesla Coil: :Nuke TNT: :Tesla Coil: :Rubber Log:

    Side view, ignoring the rest.

    My understanding of redstone torches is that they should 'energize' whatever block they are attached to, the block they occupy, and the other 5 blocks directly touching the redstone torch's block.


    • Apply Redstone current to the reactor (or one of its chambers), causing it to stop generating heat and EU for as long as the Redstone current is active.

    My observations do not match the above behavior; it runs even with the torch in this position. Is this a bug or mis-documentation?

    As an additional note; I think my current design is stable, but even with the revised reload spammer I don't trust it since the reactor can kick buckets out in to blocks where RP2 pipe exists (and thus it's not picked up by a filter).

    A more pneumatic tube optimized version of my design with built in safety counters and using /that/ to gate bucket delivery (one out, one in; with a reserved 'overload' count to keep in flight) would yield better results, but I'm happy enough to let this try to pass the initial run and see if the concept is stable at all.

  • Torch powers objects which can receive power, repeater powers object anyway, and all adjacent objects which can receive power around repeater powered object will receive power.
    Tho, used in all my designs. Since this is only way to turn off my reactors.