MK-II-5-CARUC EA Breeder: 305eu/T eff 4.48
Due to Constantly Applied Reusable Use Coolant, this reactor /actually/ is stable (4000 to 4500 +/-500) when the cooling system is functioning properly. No cooldown time is necessary. the reactor planner is trying to cool it down to 3000c instead of 4000c.
I currently have this running on my SMP server; it uses 3 filters for the reactor complex. 1 filter for the sideload buffer of buckets for the pneumatic tube delays (My initial design has a /lot/ of room for optimization), 3 chests (2 for the sideload), dual deployer (to fill the buckets)/filter combos a filter to feed the reactor and a filter for pulling empty buckets that end up in the wrong place back out of the main buffer.
In short: it uses 2 deployers and 6 filters. Everything is timed off of a single redpower timer with 0.2 pulse timing.
The only problem I actually have with the current design is that buckets get kicked out in to the same space that the pneumatic tube feeds them in. I'm currently considering additional filters to suck them back in to the loop.