As everyone knows, you can redstone an induction furnace (or advanced machines from the addon) to keep it heated. However, doing so uses 1 EU/t, which is a waste even when using a batbox. What would be the best way to supply them 1 EU/t then? Solars?
Keeping advanced machines heated efficiently
yeah pretty much any constant and renewable source of energy, wind, or solar (watermills don't produce enough on their own, you'd need like 6-8)
Yep, a few solar or wind... I hate big unsightly wind/solar farms, but with solar, it's easy to build enough into your roof to handle a few power vampires like that.
Edit: Lots of storage and a good nuclear reactor works, too... 100 mil EU will keep an induction furnace warm for almost 2 months of 24/7 playing
I use a mini solar farm to keep my machines running. I think total of 100 solars for all my machines. Most of it going into my epic scrap factory (1 scrap each second or so :)).
Through eu hungry stuff like the mass fab are supplied tons of eu with my CASUC reactor. Solars/windgens just dont make enough eu for that.
I use a mini solar farm to keep my machines running. I think total of 100 solars for all my machines. Most of it going into my epic scrap factory (1 scrap each second or so :)).
Through eu hungry stuff like the mass fab are supplied tons of eu with my CASUC reactor. Solars/windgens just dont make enough eu for that.
100? wow. i've got 64 feeding a whole whack of advanced machines and 4 recyclers. I sorta went a bit overboard with my processing room.
If I get more than a few (like 5+ maybe) of the advanced machines running at once I get a small drain on the MFSU but it's nothing it can't handle. That's the same one I use all the time to recharge my quantum gear, it's always back to full when I get back to it next.
course this from the person that has 128 solar panels, a 35EU/t Mk 1 reactor, 2 geo generators and a fusion reactor feeding his mass fab. I sorta needed the diamond and never bothered shutting it off. I've actually made a bit of tin with it when I was low and waiting for the quarry to get to where tin usually is.
I tend to automate my stuff and i want it fast so i can have alot of machines running at the same time.
I tend to automate my stuff and i want it fast so i can have alot of machines running at the same time.
well, my "processing room" is 100% automated, it just doesn't see a lot of use is all. 2 or 3 of the recyclers are running near full time though. (quarry pulling up stuff)