Ive tried multiple things with luminators to try to get them to light but they never do. Ive tried wiring so its like a cable, a machine, i put it between 2 batboxes! Nothing makes it glow. The only thing i can make it do is explode. Am I the only one experiencing this or are luminators still not fully coded?
[Support Request] Luminators not working
The old luminators have been long broken by the lighting changes in 1.8.1 Ignore any recipies or hacks you might have use to try and make them.
The -new- luminators I have no idea about since they are not yet released. If you have somehow managed to acquire a copy of that which I cannot yet experiment with, please post in relevant sections for that item.
Problem solved. Got to wait for 1.30 ic2.
How to make new luminators to light?
Righclick with battery/crystal or place them onto a wire.