Chunk boundaries for CASUC reactors

  • Just want to verify if my assumptions are right before I finalize the site for my CASUC reactors...

    My calculations for chunk boundaries aren't matching what Zeldo's chunk loader block displays as chunk boundaries, so now I'm concerned. :P

    I assume that (0,0) - (15,15) is a chunk, meaning that for x & z >=0, chunks "start" on x or z mod 16 == 0. So for x & z < 0, they would start on x or z mod 16 == 15. (since they start at 0 in the positive direction, and at -1 in the negative)

    In the specific case I'm working with right now, the chunk should go from x=656 to 671 (which the chunkloader F9 display marks correctly), and z=-337 to -352 (F9 display marks this 1 block closer to the origin, as if it's counting from 0 instead of -1)

    So is this a display bug with Zeldo's mod, or am I doing something wrong? :P

  • Your calculations are correct, if you are always rounding numbers shown in F3 view towards negative infinity. Notice that if you're standing in the middle of a block, you're at foo.5, not foo.0. The integers in the coordinate system don't represent blocks, they represent gridlines between blocks.

    If you speak of the locations of blocks, then chunks are 0.5…15.5, 16.5…31.5, and so on in the positive direction and -0.5…-15.5, -16.5…-31.5, and so on in the negative direction. If you round those negative numbers towards negative infinity, you get -1…-16, -17…-32, and so on. If you round them towards zero, you get "-0"…-15, -16…-31, and so on.

    If you speak of gridlines instead, you could say that 0…16 is one chunk, 16…32 is another, and so on, and 0…-16 and -16…-32 are two more chunks.

    All depends on perspective, but I think your understanding is right.