Question: How to install finite liquid v4 with industrial craft?

  • I've been having a problem where when i try to run both ic and finite liquid together it just gives a black screen and quits. then i modify the data values for the blocks since some were the same and STILL the problem persists. Is there anyway i can fix this :?:

  • You should give us the error report on the black screen.

    I personally use a .bat that lets me save the error log even if the minecraft window closes, although there are probably some sorts of logs in ModLoader folder or something.

    Not sure if I am allowed to post contents of said .bat, as I found it on #risucraft. You can ask there, anyway.

  • I think that are not enough terrain sprites left when you install Industrialcraft. :(
    So you need Minecraft Extendet (and I would install ID resolver too)
    Try this order:

    Modloader Mp
    Lahwran´s GuiAPI (for ID Resolver)
    PReader (FiniteLiquid need that)
    Minecraft Extendet
    ID Resolver (Minecarft Extendet Version) <--- !!!
    Finite Liquid

    When you then start MC there should be a windows that say id xxx is already in use by xxx or something like that.
    Only click on "automatically assign an ID to all"
    if testet it today and its work fine (+Nature Overhaul +Recipe Book +Buildcraft)

  • I tried installing the above method (dropping each into the .jar renamed to a .zip) and got a black screen with minecraft extended (appears not to work with 1.8.1) then tried putting that into my mod folder and just doing the finite install. still getting a major crash with finite.

    Has anyone got IC + Finite running in 1.8.1? if so, how?

  • lol this was written for 1.7.3 ...
    FinLiq v5 + IC² ? installing it together ? would be epic :thumbup:
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