[SOLVED][1.43] Full batbox leaking power

  • Hi!

    -Place two batboxes in series with some cable between
    -Lock the second batbox's output with redstone or a lever
    -Connect a third (empty) batbox after the second.
    -Fully fill the second with 40k EU
    -Put some power in the first batbox and watch it slowly empty itself

    Cables used: insulated copper cable
    Tested in SMP with following mods installed:
    Rei'sminimap 2.8_04, BC 2.2.8, Power converters 1.3.0, Railcraft 2.0.2

    Managed to get it working by using a cable splitter as a switch instead of the batbox.
    Thanks for this great mod, by the way. It's awesome! Can't enjoy MC without it anymore.

  • A full batbox/MFE/MFSU will IGNORE a redstone signal after it is full.


    I am totally and utterly Christmas eve drunk, anything i post today might be full of spelling errors and typos and ramblings and other hilarity.

  • Okay! Thanks for the info. As I said earlier - Luckily there is a splitter cable :)

  • Okay! Thanks for the info. As I said earlier - Luckily there is a splitter cable :)

    Which, at the moment, still doesn't work (I think this is a known bug though). Use a transformer to step down/up and a second to receive and regenerate the packets, then you can switch the state of either of them so that it mis-matches and thus shuts off the power.

  • The splitter cable doesn't work directly with a lever but it has been working fine for me with a dot of redstone between.

  • Which, at the moment, still doesn't work (I think this is a known bug though). Use a transformer to step down/up and a second to receive and regenerate the packets, then you can switch the state of either of them so that it mis-matches and thus shuts off the power.

    The splitter is working as intended. You just need to provide it a redstone signal in the correct manner.

    A redstone torch underneath it works.
    A redstone wire leading up to it works.

    I have yet to test any other possibilities though.

  • Oh, I tried a switch /next/ to it and that didn't work. At the time I was trying to make it work I had ZERO spare redstone so I figured it was broken.