I am attempting to run the following mods in sequence. BuildCraft 2.2.10, RedPower 2-4b, Forestry & IC2 v1.43
As far as installation process, here is the order the mods were installed.
This is the error i receive.
Mods loaded: 16
QuoteDisplay MoreModLoader 1.0.0
mod_ModLoaderMp 1.0.0
mod_BuildCraftCore 2.2.10
mod_BuildCraftBuilders 2.2.10
mod_BuildCraftEnergy 2.2.10
mod_BuildCraftFactory 2.2.10
mod_BuildCraftTransport 2.2.10
mod_RedPowerArray 2.0pr4b
mod_RedPowerCore 2.0pr4b
mod_RedPowerLighting 2.0pr4b
mod_RedPowerLogic 2.0pr4b
mod_RedPowerMachine 2.0pr4b
mod_RedPowerWiring 2.0pr4b
mod_RedPowerWorld 2.0pr4b
mod_IC2 v1.43
Minecraft has crashed!
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.
If you wish to report this, please copy this entire text and email it to support@mojang.com.
Please include a description of what you did when the error occured.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT c2c8070f --------
Generated 12/27/11 1:37 AM
Minecraft: Minecraft 1.0.0
OS: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
Java: 1.6.0_27, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series version 4.1.11251 Compatibility Profile Context, ATI Technologies Inc.
java.lang.RuntimeException: RedPowerCore: BlockID 250 exists, autoAssign is disabled.
at forge.MinecraftForge.killMinecraft(MinecraftForge.java:322)
at eloraam.core.Config.getBlockID(Config.java:114)
at RedPowerMachine.initialize(RedPowerMachine.java:118)
at mod_RedPowerMachine.initialize(mod_RedPowerMachine.java:48)
at mod_RedPowerMachine.ModsLoaded(mod_RedPowerMachine.java:20)
at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:838)
at ModLoader.AddAllRenderers(ModLoader.java:186)
at wb.<init>(wb.java:76)
at wb.<clinit>(wb.java:9)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:265)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:644)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 1137ebb1 ----------
Any help appreciated.