[Suggestion]Pressure Furnace

  • Hello Everyone,
    This is my first post although I have been using IC since it was just IC. I was thinking of more useful things to be put into the game for variety and came up with a few, this is the first Pressure Furnace.

    Overall Purpose: To make coal an unlimited resource, fairly, and to allow industrial diamonds to 'realistically' (I use the term loosely) be turned into normal Diamonds, for use with other mods ie. Buildcraft.

    Pressure Furnace:
    2 Slots “Seed” and “Fuel”:

    The seed is used as the bases for the thing you are creating and the fuel is what is used to create the object.
    As well as power slot of batteries.
    Like all machines a slot to hold the batteries or charge.
    Output Slot
    The machine like a furnace will have an output
    Seed Types:
    Diamond Shard: This is created by macerating a Diamond, as a solid metal it is not broken down into a dust but rather breaks into 2 shards. (Possible use in high level Agriculture)
    Charcoal: You should all know what this is, created by putting wood through a furnace.
    Can create coal or diamonds.
    Diamond Shards are used as the seed while Industrial diamonds are used as the material. It can be single of multiple industrial diamonds needed to create a single Diamond. Essentially turns an industrial diamond into a gemstone diamond. But would require you to be up to this machine and have existing diamonds. The idea of growing diamonds from seed diamonds is not unheard of and the pressure furnace would also be able to put in the 'heat' and 'pressure' required for this to occur.
    Charcoal is the seed while compressed plantballs are the material. Coal itself is compressed plant matter undergoing a similar process of 'heat' and 'pressure' to create and as such it would not be unreasonable that this high powered machine be able to replicate that.
    Secondary Function: Pressure can go both ways, high and low, a vacuum furnace is a much more clean furnace than a regular furnace free from the pollution of air at low pressure you can use it as a furnace for special materials such as what I will post in another suggestion, which is Cinnibar. I will wait for feedback on this before I begin my second suggestion.

    Recipe: I am not good at this but I would think combining the compressor with the electric furnace would not be a bad idea.
    :Gold Dust: :Advanced Machine: [Glowstone]
    :Electric Furnace: :Cable: :Compressor:
    [Glowstone] :Advanced Circuit: :Gold Dust:

  • overcomplicated.

    base suggestion from crafting something with machines only is fine, it will allow meta recipes - every type of plants into plant clump without massing recipes and soo on, but, machine with special items just for this machine that will result in other special items again only for this machine is not good.

  • Other than preexisting items the only new item is a macerated diamond creating diamond shards. The products used otherwise are already existing and the resulting creations of the machine are coal and diamonds. Unsure if you misread, my explanation was bad or I misread your reply.

  • I find it difficult to understand what you mean. Did you mean: You can turn one industrial diamond and a half of a real diamond into one real diamond? Personally, I'd think half an industrial diamond would already do the trick, coal is rather abundant but not infinite. ?(

  • The ratio itself can change. But it basically turns industrial diamonds into real diamonds at a cost. It could be 1 industrial diamond provides the carbon for 2 shards making it 1 diamond = 1 industrial diamond.

    Coal is not infinite but is very important in most things. So the ability to create ( expensive) coal I thought could be available.

  • Which is the next point: Sad as it is, but... "pressure furnace" sounds like "compressor + furnace", which, in turn, sounds like "compress it, then smelt it". And if you reduce these ideas to new recipes for existing machines, you seem to basically want a recipe to turn industrial diamonds into real diamonds at a cost.

    This cost clearly depends on other mods, which one mod never can fully estimate. I think if Alblaka wanted industrial diamonds to be used as a substitute for any kind of diamond, we would have gotten real diamonds with that recipe. While I understand the motivation of your idea, I don't think it consistently fits IC2. It's always hard to consider other mods, especially if there's exploits like turning tin into iron by making tin buckets and re-crafting them into iron, which some mods allow.

    tl;dr: If we should be able to make real diamonds out of coal, we wouldn't need this kind of approach, but just a more expensive recipe for industrial diamonds :S

  • Extremly failed grammar, but

    New recipe-machines are only added if they serve more then just a few purpouses.

    Thanks for the reply, I do have an extension for this idea with more recipes when including my second idea I have not posted with mercury. I just didn't want to post all my ideas together and wanted feedback on this before I kept posting. When I get time this arvo (Aussie time) I will post a new thread for my mercury idea. Including recipes for this machine (mercury idea does not NEED this machine to actually work.

    This machine is the basis of achieving things that happen in the earths core. So anything to do with what happens in our core could be translated into this machine. Creation of other ores etc.

  • I don't mean to judge you, but I think you should keep your ideas compact and modest. I mean, I've thought about self-generating planets with randomly-generated ores and tiers, too, but that's the kind of thinking you should leave to Disgaea developers. :D

    I suppose changing the world generator is difficult - I would not expect a "world core" dimension to be part of IC2 anytime soon. If it's just about high-pressure processes that happen in the core, then why not just use the compressor?

  • This idea is not a dimension but just a machine that generated the heat and pressure of the earths core to
    Open up recipes in that vein. Turning some kind of stone into magma, lava. I think possibly my mercury idea might have been the better to post first as a link to this as I see that 2 recipes are not enough to warrant a new machine.

  • I would have to agree with the introduction of yet another furnace recently (Induction) ANOTHER one would be silly, unless it wasnt a 'furnace' but something else and for just 2 things that are not that unique probably not too good.