Support Request: I decompile IC2,but got errors

  • I decompile IndustrialCraft 2 ,I want to develop the addon.
    But got some errors when I start minecraft with eclipse.

    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at net.minecraft.src.ItemStack.<init>(
    at net.minecraft.src.ItemStack.<init>(
    at net.minecraft.src.ic2.common.ItemScrapbox.addDrop(
    at net.minecraft.src.ic2.common.ItemScrapbox.<init>(
    at net.minecraft.src.mod_IC2.<clinit>(
    ... 15 more

    How to solve it ?

    My English is poor , sorry. :P

    • Official Post

    If you can't fix NPEs by yourself, you REEEEALLY shouldn't be trying to create mods.

    IC² is quite complex, probably MCP can't recompile it perfectly and will create some errors like this one. Fix them, create your mod, you can assume that a recompiled version of your mod will work fine with a original version of IC².

  • If MCP can't recompile IC2, how do you do it?
    And if you were to make a mod to go over IC2, how would you edit the stuff that IC2 already has (you can do that for private use can't you?)

  • I've run into this problem too. It happens because the decompiler breaks the order of the initializers in
    I fixed mine a much more tedious way, but this should work too, although I haven't tried it, and I don't know if other items have the same problem as well:

    • Open net.minecraft.src.mod_IC2
    • Find a line starting with "public static Item itemScrapBox"
    • Change that line so all it says is

      public static Item itemScrapBox;

    • Gol to the end of the file, and scroll up until you find a line starting with "itemArmorAlloyChestplate = "
    • Underneath that line, add

      itemScrapBox = (new ItemScrapbox(getItemIdFor("itemScrapbox", 29883), 159)).setItemName("itemScrapbox");

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