Question: How to make rubber wood pushable by pistons.

  • My first topic probably got deleted by probably not posting it in the right format, my fault. So here goes again.

    I would like to change the settings that stop rubber wood from being able to be pushed by pistons, so it can be pushed by pistons.
    Sadly I am a noob at coding, and I tried opening the .class file for rubbed wood in notepad, but it came out all jibberish. (Yes, I really am a noob at coding.)

    So my question is if this setting can be changed, and how I can change it.
    I hope someone can help me with this.

  • I already patched that in an older version of IC². You need to decompile IC² with MCP, using the fixes posted in the addon section. The file you are looking for is called something like There is a method that only returns a value and has piston in its name. Just delete it, recompile, reobfuscate and you are done.

    I really miss moving rubber trees with pistons, because it made farming rubber really easy, maybe too easy, thats why it got removed. I am kinda split between opting for being able to move them or against it.