If it's a server problem, why does the error claim it's the client's fault? That's *really* misleading. I imagine that right now, hundreds of people are reinstalling their clients in vain.

Server: Gult's Gorge (IC/BC with Ish fix and REDPOWER)
- Levint7012
- Closed
I said I would offer all the help I can like right now I have alot of leather for armor :3.
Hmmm... We still can connect thourgh lan right :D.... I propose hamachi backup servers...... hosted by me
just encase this happns again and a way of communicating...
but lev has to join to so we can connect to him
Hamachi Server 1 = 076-454-263
(I have to use id's cause i made it on the internet so i can control it any were >:D no jk so ican manage it any were i go as long there is internet)
Hamachi Server 2 = 076-454-369
Hamachi Server 3 = 076-454-713
Hamachi wont do anygood if the problem is Minecraft.net... when it goes down i can not login it even on the hosting computer... without authentication... NO LOGIN, hamachi wont do any good, if my computer is connected to the internet my server is on, hamachi would not change that... unless i was running an illegal server. Sorry phaser Nice idea but not going to fix anything if the problem happens again.
SO EVERYONE KNOWS WE NOW HAVE *************RED POWER****************
Install order updated: here's how to build the required .jar.
Minecraft 1.7.3
"Ish" Fix
MC ForgeThe following mods need to be in the /.minecraft/mods folder, as well:
Buildcraft 2.0.1 (all files) *
Redpower 1.7.1 (all files)You may need to change the following line in /.minecraft/buildcraft/config/buildcraft.cfg
power.framework=buildcraft.energy.PneumaticPowerFramework* Fixed. Thanks levint for reminding me that we're using BC 2.0.1 right now.
note: I'm starting to think the amount of set-up required to play on this server is getting rather large.
Install order updated: here's how to build the required .jar.
Minecraft 1.7.3
"Ish" Fix
MC ForgeThe following mods need to be in the /.minecraft/mods folder, as well:
Buildcraft 2.1.1 (all files)
Redpower 1.7.1 (all files)You may need to change the following line in /.minecraft/buildcraft/config/buildcraft.cfg
power.framework=buildcraft.energy.PneumaticPowerFrameworkHonestly I'm starting to think the amount of set-up required to get on this server is starting to drag on a bit.
Version number fixed. Also, I looked up what the redpower mod actually does, and frankly I'm looking forward to being able to run redstone signals up walls
EDIT: I can't post anything on the jobs board
I am moving the jobs board it has to do with spawn protection.
Install order updated: here's how to build the required .jar.
Minecraft 1.7.3
"Ish" Fix
MC ForgeThe following mods need to be in the /.minecraft/mods folder, as well:
Buildcraft 2.0.1 (all files) *
Redpower 1.7.1 (all files)You may need to change the following line in /.minecraft/buildcraft/config/buildcraft.cfg
power.framework=buildcraft.energy.PneumaticPowerFramework* Fixed. Thanks levint for reminding me that we're using BC 2.0.1 right now.
note: I'm starting to think the amount of set-up required to play on this server is getting rather large.
Hmmmm why dont we make a mod pack so they olny have to drag it into the jar and .minecraft folder :D??
and levisthe server working now??
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 150 is already occupied by buildcraft.factory.BlockMiningWell@3e1d25 when adding buildcraft.factory.BlockMiningWell@1eb717e
lev some one took m ystuff again D:....
1 quarry
4 macs
4 elctro furnaces
3 stacks of iron
15 diamonds
2 stacks of lapis
there moreill try to remember the rest
I'm pretty sure half these mods have a "no redistribute plz" rule, so a modpack would be infringing on that. Then again, some people just distribute the whole .minecraft folder, which is even shadier. The best solution I can think of is the one I've already implemented, in which I just list all the mods you need and the order you should install them in. I guess to make it REALLY easy, we could have links to the mods' respective threads... I may get on that tomorrow if nobody else has by then.
PLZ whitelist
IGN: Mariux446 -
White list updated
I'm pretty sure half these mods have a "no redistribute plz" rule, so a modpack would be infringing on that. Then again, some people just distribute the whole .minecraft folder, which is even shadier. The best solution I can think of is the one I've already implemented, in which I just list all the mods you need and the order you should install them in. I guess to make it REALLY easy, we could have links to the mods' respective threads... I may get on that tomorrow if nobody else has by then.
EDIT: also the mod installation list should be added to the OP.
Just pm them to ask for a exception...
1.9 coming? Lots of down times. When is the server finished porting?
Try and beat the wolves! They are mad at you!
WTF!?!?!? How did 2 people join D:??? really??? i checked the status thing and people are on when we cant join !?!!??!
EDIT its back up
While List updated and player promotions updated
I love working with IC and BC. Redpower just adds to the fun
Hope to find a nice little plot of land and start working towards a reactor facility
IGN: Master_Kyle
Loc: East Coast, US (Just so you know when I'll be on)
Whitelist updated